
If I’m claiming an adult (non-child) as a dependent on my taxes and they didn’t file anything due to zero income, I’m guessing they won’t get any sort of check since they didn’t file anything under their own name, correct? And if we wanted them to receive the check as well, we’d need to file either 2018 or 2019 for

I use Hangouts because I’m on Project Fi and can text from my desktop, Chromebook, or whatever. I’d be interested in trying out Allo, but it seems like something that everyone else needs to be in on in order to really get the most out of it.

I’ve got that car bluetooth thing, and it’s pretty excellent. As with any bluetooth device I’ve used to play music with my phone, the bluetooth controls have a pretty decent lag (~10 seconds most of the time for me), but I’m very happy with it.

I’ve got that car bluetooth thing, and it’s pretty excellent. As with any bluetooth device I’ve used to play music

I presumed so based on your post. I just thought I’d add unaddressed things that I know, since your post was the most comprehensive one I saw.

German Prost is “cheers,” while zum Wohl is roughly “to health.” Gesundheit is also German for “health,” but it’s not used for cheers.

Just be sure not to bend the metal fins! Bending the fins, just like leaving lots of debris clogging it all up, is a great way to overheat the compressor. So when you spray water through it, spray straight through and not at an angle.

I’ve got that 128GB flash drive, and while nifty, it gets extremely hot, even if it’s just plugged in and not actively in use. I’m not sure whether that affects performance, but it can certainly affect your fingers when you pull it out, so be careful.

I’ve got that 128GB flash drive, and while nifty, it gets extremely hot, even if it’s just plugged in and not

I really hate silicone oven mitts. They’re hard to get on and off, strangely inflexible, and overall uncomfortable. My wife and father-in-law both dislike them as well.

I really hate silicone oven mitts. They’re hard to get on and off, strangely inflexible, and overall uncomfortable.

Based on my experiences teaching a foreign language (mostly German, not that it really matters), the ones I’d consider the best students aren’t usually the ones with the best grades, the best performance, etc. My best students are the ones that show the greatest improvement, the greatest effort and willingness to

My wife and I have one of these each, and it’s done wonders for our wrist issues (along with some stretches and exercises, of course). And I have to say that the scroll ring on this provides the overall best scrolling experience I’ve ever had. It’s way nicer and more consistent, not to mention smoother, than just

My wife and I have one of these each, and it’s done wonders for our wrist issues (along with some stretches and

Well, a U2415H would be 1920x1080, but it doesn’t exist. The U2415, however, does. (The H at the end means 16:9, and the lack of H means 16:10.)

I’ve been doing this for years, and it works amazingly well for my wife and me. It’s pretty cool when you realize you’ve got a few thousand dollars you weren’t planning on after a while.

A friend of mine tore off the plastic part of one of his PCI slots by pulling his graphics card out wrong to get at the SATA ports underneath.

There’s nothing wrong with bottoming out, unless you just dislike it. O-rings substantially change the feeling of bottoming out, and they reduce travel distance. I’m personally not a fan of either of those, but my best friend loves them both.

There’s nothing wrong with bottoming out, unless you just dislike it. O-rings substantially change the feeling of

Not all 60% boards have customizable function layers. In fact, the only stock 60% keyboard that allows any function layer customization is the Poker II/Pok3r. Anything else either requires modding or a DIY keyboard kit like the Infinity or KC60 (or building one totally from scratch).

Not all 60% boards have customizable function layers. In fact, the only stock 60% keyboard that allows any function

One existed, but it doesn’t seem to be anywhere any more. It was sold by Monoprice with Cherry MX reds. If you can find it somewhere, it might just be your unicorn.

One existed, but it doesn’t seem to be anywhere any more. It was sold by Monoprice with Cherry MX reds. If you can

“Gaming keyboards” and “mechanical keyboards” aren’t identical markets, though there is a pretty solid amount of overlap.

“Gaming keyboards” and “mechanical keyboards” aren’t identical markets, though there is a pretty solid amount of

Not all mechanical keyboards click. There’s a huge variety in the types of switches, including plenty that click and have a bump, just have a bump (no click), are completely linear and thus virtually silent, etc. It’s really about the feeling; whatever is more comfortable and fun to use is what you’re going to use all

Not all mechanical keyboards click. There’s a huge variety in the types of switches, including plenty that click and

My wife and I both work from home for the same company doing similar tasks, so we end up working together on a lot of things. What helps us, I think, is the fact that we work on opposite ends of the house, on different floors, and communicate primarily via Hangouts messages. Occasionally we’ll go visit one another,

I have three Chromecasts and use them all pretty frequently. One for the living room, one for the exercise room, and one for the theater. The living room is mostly used for Youtube when people are hanging out (we frequently find ourselves wanting to show each other various videos we’ve found). In the exercise room,