
I didn't have that experience when I spent 5 months living in Germany, nor when I visited Italy, Ireland, Austria, Spain, or Switzerland.

It's because archimedies said that they have no issues when running a system with "4 meg of ram" and that apparently with "8 meg of ram" their Yahoo! Mail tab will consume over 1GB of RAM within 24 hours (despite not having nearly that much RAM to begin with, if the original statements are to be believed). It's a

I've been wondering for a very long time why such a thing was not common practice.

I forgot, I also had my portion of our family plan (grandfathered unlimited data, my extra line, etc) on AT&T temporarily disabled for the time I was gone, which cost a $10 monthly fee (a lot cheaper than keeping the service going for one, as well as risking accidentally incurring international charges on top of

I studied abroad in Germany last year, and during my 5-month stay I traveled around in Europe a bit. I brought my Motorola Atrix 4G with me to more easily use Google Voice and GrooVeIP via wifi. There was no wifi in my dorm, but there was an ethernet port (with a 2GB daily limit), so I hooked my laptop up to that and

Really? I wouldn't have thought that. Good to know!

Thanks, that's useful info!

I got mine unlocked when I went to Europe last spring, but I haven't gotten a T-Mobile SIM because that would be more expensive than I'd like for just testing. Still very interested in hearing your results!

I've been contemplating the exact same thing, switch from the original Atrix included. If I can piggyback on this, how's T-Mobile's HSPA+ coverage in Louisville and/or Lexington, KY? What about Nashville, TN (may be moving there next year)?

Hover over that second link to see what I'm talking about; it won't show up in the comment because of the silly bracketing thing.

That seems like it's getting closer, and it's times like these that I wish I'd taken the time to learn something in addition to HTML and CSS.

These are awesome and really helpful, but unfortunately the last one isn't working for me. I can use the keyword and then search for a page, but it doesn't work automatically for whichever site I'm currently on.

Do you mean to have the laptop closed but still use it as a computer with your bluetooth keyboard and external monitor? If so, then you have to go change what the computer does when you shut the lid. I don't know specifically how to do that in Windows 8, but in Windows 7 you could find it near Power Settings in the

I made a Spotify account a few days ago, no Facebook required. It took a few extra clicks to get to a page that'd let me make a Spotify account instead of logging in with Facebook, but only about 30 seconds' worth, if that.

I've done the same thing plenty of times on my Windows 7 laptop and have never had that happen to me. Everything switches over to my laptop monitor when I unplug it from the external monitor, and everything pops up on the laptop monitor when I bring it up and the external monitor's not connected. Maybe I'm just

Danke sehr! Ich versuche immer, mich zu verbessern, auch wenn es nur um Sprachkenntnisse geht.

Unser Planet kreisen die Sonne in ungefähr 365.25 Tage um. Sie sagen, dass das Universum produziert Systeme, in denen die Planeten ihre Sonnen in ungefähr 100 Tage (oder weniger) umkreisen. In unser System ist Merkur der einzige Planet, der die Sonne in weniger als 100 Tage umkreist (wenn ich mich richtig daran

Unless Gmote has changed since the last time I used it, it's pretty different from my experiences with TeamViewer. Gmote lets one use a phone/tablet as a mousepad or for text input, given you can see your computer screen to control it. It also functions only if both the computer and the device are on the same network,

I'm 100% on board with you on the music. That was how I learned so much German. It helped my listening comprehension so much it's silly, and because I enjoyed the music, I made sure I knew the lyrics and what they meant, which forced me to learn tons of vocab. I'm now fluent in German, and I honestly attribute at

The fact that there are lots of silly things about English (and pretty much every other language) is entirely irrelevant. Sure, you can make it seem really absurd if you want to! But you could do that with virtually anything. If one is writing in a professional capacity in a particular language, it is expected that