
It looks like the Asus Transformer Pad Infinity TF700T deal is over (they're out of stock on Office Depot's website). Good thing I bought mine a few days ago!

I have to say that milk is one of my favorite beverages of all time. About two years ago, I dropped all carbonated drinks from my life, so now I drink either water or milk (whole milk if I can), occasionally juice or hot chocolate or something if I'm out somewhere. Also eggnog, but that's obviously only when it's

I'd go with the Galaxy Nexus, given those two choices. The lack of expandable storage does make me sad, but I feel like it's not quite as necessary to have physical storage when you've got all kinds of cloud options (Dropbox, Box, Google Drive, Sky Drive, etc) available. A removable battery, on the other hand, isn't

VOTE: Dolphin Browser HD

When it comes to electronics, I typically just carry my (Android) phone. If I expect to need it, I'll bring my computer and possibly my 500GB external HDD.

I've found mobile updates (I'm an Android user) to be very quick and easy. I tend to check the Play Store multiple times per day to see if I have any updates and am disappointed when I don't see any, which is probably kind of weird.

I typically say "soft drink," but when pressed to choose among soda, pop, or coke, I pick coke every time. Saying "soda" or "pop" just seem really quaint to me, though I couldn't really say why.

I use a combination of Facebook, Trillian (Google Talk, Skype, MSN Messenger), IRC channels, and email to communicate with basically everyone I ever need to talk to. Excluding text messages/phone calls and face-to-face communication, of course, though I do forward my Google Voice texts to Google Talk so that I can

That makes sense, but at the same time, I feel like a lot of valuable insight will be lost in the comment backlogs because of this. It wasn't that I felt like I had to read all the comments (aside from some of my OCD tendencies which told me that it'd be a good idea if I did), but rather that I liked being able to

I think that what I dislike about this new system is that I can't scroll through all the comments in one go as effectively. At least, I don't know of a way I can. Any help with that? Other than that, it seems like it could be pretty cool.

VOTE: Swype.

I had one at a restaurant once, and while it wasn't terrible, I definitely would try to avoid it again. I think it was mostly the texture that I disliked. Maybe it was just that one at that restaurant, though.

I've made black bean patties before (though they were a bit different than what you're describing), and they're absolutely delicious. They're also not really something I'd want as a burger-equivalent. I'll look into variations on my recipe, though, for something that might work better. Thanks!

I would, but I'm actually not that big of a fan of mushrooms. I don't mind them in small doses in, say, a sauce or something, but much more than that and I end up being a rather unhappy camper. Thanks for the idea, though!

It seems the link at the end is missing. #corrections

Probably that Facebook decides what to put in my news feed instead of allowing me to decide. Though I think Facebook does actually allow you to decide, it's just a royal bitch to go to every single one of my friends' profiles to dictate how much of their shit ends up in my newsfeed. Also having to sort people into

I've felt this way for a long time about all the things I've built/made. I've actually been in/around construction since I was like 6 years old, and almost all of my jobs have been manual labor of one sort or another (usually HVAC/R, but last summer I did some plumbing). I never really enjoyed that sort of stuff

That's crazy. Fortunately the emergency alert system my university has works (sends out texts and emails, though I usually don't get the texts even when others do...) and is used. Like my freshman year there was a shooting like a block or two away from the edge of campus, and we all got notified. Same with the bomb

VOTE: GO Launcher Ex

So true. My Naga changed my ability to play WoW permanently. Not that I ever get to play WoW any more because of a decided lack of funds.