
But I like spending quality time with my knife and cutting board chopping things by hand! One of my favorite parts of cooking.

When doing this, if I focus on my finger, then I see double of what I'm pointing at. If I focus on what I'm pointing at, I see double of my finger. I'm pretty sure I lean toward being right-eyed (I'm also right-handed), but the seeing-double bit kinda throws me off. I've always been able to relatively easily choose

I've been using this too, but GrooveIP has an annoying delay (for me it's been between 3 and 7 seconds both ways, depending on the day). On the other hand, it means calls from Germany to the US are free for me, so I can't really complain too much.

I've been using my Google Voice number to call and text people in the US for 3 months now (I'm in Germany), and it's worked flawlessly. I even set up Google Voice for my girlfriend, who's currently in Spain, so that we could talk to each other more easily. It's all completely free because it's calling/texting from one

Thanks! That's what I thought, I just wanted to make sure. And unfortunately, the monitor I bought only has VGA, which is somewhat unfortunate...

Several months ago, I tried to plug in both my TV (via HDMI) and my monitor (via VGA) to my laptop. Unfortunately, both of them wouldn't work simultaneously (and I couldn't figure out how to convince my computer to let those two larger displays stay on and shut the laptop's monitor off). Would this fancy little bit of

I just checked, and it looks like it will ship to the UK, but it won't be very cheap (something like £28-30).

I had to select "Match case" in addition to what you listed, but that did work. The only problem is that it also selects a lot of things that I didn't want (like the first word of a sentence that happens to be a one-letter word, for instance), and just going one word at a time would take longer than just scrolling

I'd seen that list before, actually, but thanks for the link! I actually just don't really know how OTA updates work when there's an ocean in between. I've got a US Atrix, but if the update is rolled out in the US while I'm still in Germany, will I get the update too? I assume yes, but it's the "over the air" thing

That's unfortunate. And it's not that I'm trying to bold every instance of a single word, but rather essentially format a title for 300+ small-ish sections of a .doc. I appreciate the help, though!

My girlfriend got me a Bag of Holding from thinkgeek for my birthday last year, and it's one of the best things ever. It can hold TONS of stuff, has a slightly-padded portion for a laptop, and even though it's so big, it sort of flattens itself when it's not full so that it never looks bulky or droopy or anything like

I posted this in openthread before, but hopefully more people will see it here.

There are weird quirks in pretty much every phone that can drive someone crazy, it just depends on what you've got in your hand and what you like in your technology. With that in mind, I also strongly suggest playing around with any device you're considering in store as much as possible to see whether it suits you and

I know you said that you didn't want to have to run a computer just to get internet on your phone, but that's basically what I've been doing since I got to Germany and it's worked well so far. Running Connectify to create my own wifi network via my laptop that's wired to the dorm internet makes it so that I don't have

No ICS on my Motorola Atrix 4G (AT&T), though I don't know if I'd get the update over wifi in Europe even if they did roll it out before I went back to the US.

No problem, glad I could help!

I was browsing the AHK forum and found a thread that made me think of your problem. I have no idea if it's any different than what was posted in tips, but just in case:

I want to live there.

Every time I read about one of the famous Redwall Abbey feasts, I decided I wanted to live there. Every single time.

I'd like to know how the wifi calls compare to those of GrooVeIP. The few times I've used it, there was an exceptional delay (something like 7 seconds both ways, making for about a 14-15 second interval between when one person stops speaking and when they hear the other person start). I'd also like to know how much