
I lost 23kg in around 100 days without working out or dropping my caloric intake below 1200 (and those days were accidents).

I wholly agree about the plumbing/HVAC thing. I'm 20 and have been doing HVAC work for about 6 years, and last year I started with some plumbing. While I'm not nearly skilled enough to be a proper technician, I can do a fair bit of work myself, even if it's only diagnosing a problem. I've also been doing general

I'm of the opinion that even if you don't necessarily use a particular skill the way you learned it, you can still be getting something out of it. Foreign languages, for example, teach you to think in a different structure (one language versus another) and teach the requisite flexibility to move between those

Speaking multiple languages has also been shown to delay the onset of Alzeihmer's for up to four years. It's also one of the weakest areas that the United States has in comparison to... nearly every other country. I'm fluent in two languages (English and German), and since I've gotten to Europe I've felt bad about

Pressing F6 does the same thing for me, at least in Chrome on this Win7 laptop.

I'm more inclined to believe this than the whole tin-foil-hat "they don't teach the kids REAL history because they want everyone to be workforce sheep" or whatever. My history classes throughout grade school and high school went over all KINDS of things, a relatively small percentage of which I actually remember. What

"... if please chime in below."

My old Live account got the 25GB upgrade just fine (I didn't realize I'd stashed a file in Skydrive in May of last year...), so I tried making a new live account to see if I could grab another 25GB, but no such luck. I do, however, have like another 10 live email accounts, but that just doesn't seem worth it. Yeah, I

I have 3 laptops that I've acquired over the years.

Once you master one foreign language (in my case my native language is English, but I'm fluent in German as well), try to learn another foreign language through that first one. For example, I'm currently studying at a German university, and I'm taking a beginner Russian course. Because I'm at a German university, the

So much want...

No problems here in Germany.

Being a male with size 13 wide (and flat!) feet, I've never had a problem finding shoes. Every shoe store I've ever been to has had shoes in my size. If you're getting the right size and the shoes still aren't comfortable, you may want to look into shoe inserts. I got some to help give my feet a bit of an arch, and

I had a little bit of Spanish in grade school, but I remember very little of it. It was kind of sporadic anyway, with the teachers coming and going, so we didn't even have it every year (or every other year, for that matter). Once I got to high school I picked German and stuck with it, so I'm currently functionally

All these ideas are great for devices running Android or iOS, but what about those of us unfortunate/stupid enough to acquire a Windows Mobile device? (Mine's WinMo 6.5, and the sad little app market it had is being shut down.)

Edmonton, Kanada? Das hab ich nicht gewusst. Schön, daß es solche Sachen gibt! Ich wohne in die USA (Kentucky), und ich hätte gerne eine deutsche Schule in der Nähe von mir.

Danke! Und das glaube ich auch. Wo haben Sie deutsch gelernt? Ich frage nur, weil es so aussieht, daß Sie nicht Muttersprachler sind.

Understandable why he perhaps ought not use "Weltanschauung," then, but what about "Weltansicht"? I don't think that has any sorts of connotations like Weltanschauung does, though it seems you might be more qualified than I would to explain that one lol

"David Eagleman describes this as the umwelt: the assumption that our reality is the only reality out there."

Just for the record, Jainism is most certainly not a branch of Hinduism. It does have similar concepts, however (example: karma), but that is mostly a product of them both being Indian religions as opposed to one being a branch of the other.