The Captain
Now playing

Going to their website might help, this vid shows more of what the actual gameplay looks like

No, I see what your getting at and I would rather that also. I understand that they dumb it down to appeal to more people and therefore get more money. But I would like for them to go back to their roots at least every now and then. To me that seems a bit more probable than full blown as they were.

Honestly I'd rather a Jade Empire 2 over a Kotor 3. So much more potential in that then there will ever be.

It's kind of funny, I usually play CAH with my friends and everything you listed as not gonna happen in a game is what usually happens in my group. Some people find political jokes funnier over penis jokes. Sometimes there are guaranteed win cards like "Mopey Zoo Lion" or "A Mime having a Stroke". And still those

My favorite, Tim Curry voiced Lord Dragonus from the Mighty Ducks animated show.

I went straight to "A Mime having a stroke" and "A Mopey Zoo Lion"

Who knew Rotary would be so specific to mass... ah who am I kidding, of course it is.

Yeah this was my same feeling. Nothing beats the classics

DUAL GUNS?!?! 0:33

Starburns can be Agent Coulsen?


My God...

Glad to know that I was not the only one who saw his time travel shenanigans

Still have mine with no problems ever arising.

My current wallpaper is one of my favorites

What about El Boba?

Frankenstein Superstar is a great webcomic