The Captain

for? for what...

Umm, There are going to be Winnie the Pooh Minigames in Kingdom Hearts 3! If gamers can’t get excited about that then I don’t know what to tell you.

We saw a similar response when we announced that we were bringing Diablo to console, and we saw a similar response to the announcement of Hearthstone.

Once, when I was a kid, I got home from school only to discover that the dog had puked on the carpet. He must have done it early in the morning because the vomit pile had had plenty of time to cool off and the smell had taken over the room. We were out of paper towels, so I had to use kleenex to clean it. They were


When some 400 pound gorilla in a red suit asks if you’ve been nice this year, you say ‘yeah, the check is in the mail’.

...What? Illinois is definitely NOT in the northeast, we’re solidly in the MidWest thankyouverymuch.

Now playing

That’s fine. I need to find out if they were able to get the vacuum cleaner to f the cake.

This article is wrong.

Also, her name, if you play with the inflection, is “EVIL ENDEAVOR”.

Temperatures are up to 40 degrees Fahrenheit below normal for this time of year.

Because he’s speedrunning. Getting to the end of the article with as few words read as possible is the most popular speedrunning category on the internet. 

This is like eating a mediocre chicken sandwich at a restaurant and then demanding you also be allowed to eat the beaks and feathers.

Santa is real! He touched my butt a few years ago during a photo shoot and joked that he was “checking for Kringleberries.”