That’s a Jackal guard not Anubis, they are Jaffa that serve him. Otherwise it’s a really cool cosplay.
That’s a Jackal guard not Anubis, they are Jaffa that serve him. Otherwise it’s a really cool cosplay.
Where’s Dunkey? That’s who is missing right?
Why are few people talking about Japanese James Woods? Dude sounded exactly the same...
Honestly? Both. They both end up being pretty different. And both are done extremely well. But if you choose to watch one of them, then Brotherhood.
Good ol’ Assface Oak
The song is actually pretty good
For me it will always be Lonely Rolling Star as my fav Katamari song. But to be fair, they’re all great.
Roadhog x Mercy
Still a better love story then Twilight.
All this que sera, sera is just reminding me to re-watch one of my favorite shows again...
Even after hearing it dozens of times that song really still is amazing. Though I would love a version of this for Nausicaa...