The Captain

Look into Apatheism

Damn... Street Fighter is 16 days older than me

damn where is that from again?

Now playing

My fav time travel movie (not including the classics like time bandits and bttf)

damn you, I want into that beta

Sorry to burst your bubble, but it's not free to play.

According to the first game's codex, the Krogan Battlemaster Class (which Wrex was) are Vanguards. Essentially few krogans use biotics and they clearly show that only the battlemasters do.

Well that's because you did not use your lucky d20 that has the higher chance at getting that nat 20... mine is grey with yellow numbering, it always does good for me.

That Borderlands ending... I now want to watch as Brick beats the crap out of Azlan in berzerker mode.

I feel terrible now for forgetting about Khorne. To make up for this I shall provide another worshiper of the Blood God.

1 letter would have made all the difference...

Dude, no way man, grape are some of the best, Top Notch stuff.


Oh god... memories are coming back to me... years ago, SNES controller, SUPER GODZILLA, FUCK YOU I'M GODZILLA YOU CAN'T DEFEAT ME. Godzilla dies I rage, lose my controller... and now I'm sad.

Rayne Summers approves of this article.

Yeah but can he find me a Jaguar Shark?

Yeah wow... I totally screwed that up. Thanks for the correction.

Fun Fact, the Mayans never predicted the world ending. Only that their cycle of years was re-starting. (their calender is based off of circles after all)

Screw that, what about the sword-fight between Blinkin and the pole? Epic...

Funny enough, I saw someone on my server actually named Boba Fett. Was surprised up until the point me and my buddy decided to screw his day up by attacking him. (Yes I play republic... deal with it.)