The Captain

I understand and respect that, but if they are gonna start asking fans about what they should do with their games, maybe... just maybe, we can avoid that and get a good game.

too tempting not to post this.

Now I've seen some bad name copies but that one is truly horrible. Originality has been left in the dust... the dust I say, the dust.

you see... Darth VaPaula should already be dead whether he or she existed anyways. Times are confusing now...

I would watch Mortal Kombat at least. It's just an amusing cheesefest

"Will the makers of Star Wars video games create Darth VaPaula, a (mock) transgender version of Darth Vader - RuPaul, for kids to choose as their action player?"

Hey BioWare... make a 2nd Jade Empire... that is all.

I read (partially) some of Howard the Duck. I understand it is not like the comic, but I am ok with that because it was still funny in it's own quirky way.


This is my reasoning for liking it.

I refuse to vote for Super Mario Bros. Vs. Howard The Duck, I like both deal with it.

I... I think I actually want to punch him in the face for this. The idea of it is so overwhelmingly dumb that I cannot begin to understand how he could think this way... even for Michael Bay this is one of the most batshit ideas to ever be thought. M. Night Shymalan is mocking him for this one.

Can I get in on the BroShep Vanguard brofist? It can be a BROFIST TRIFORCE

Oh god yes, that is my exact setup also. Hell at a certain point in the game it becomes just you and a blurry mess on the battlefield

The Joker's plan worked

And Alan Rickman could still pull off Snape.

So getting rid of Deadlocked was a good choice? I personally loved it as much as the rest. Hell the only ratchet and clank games I was not too fond of were the one's on the PSP, but that is only because I was spoiled by the main console versions.

oh man... I came to the conclusion that you were talking about the chips... don't mind me, I'm obviously going crazy.

Now playing

uhh... what the hell did you find when looking for Phil Quon?... I was talking about the movie Down to Earth.

No no no, that's not Roldy that's Phil Quon with white hair.