
You've got greenscreen on you.

At one time they did post open threads for folks to talk about the games but 'attendance' at those got so bad they mostly gave up on it. Twitter seems to have captured that market. I would like to seem them try again, but people will need to contribute if they do. Twitter 'conversations' get so split up and move so

I'm interested in what other Deadspin commenters want from Deadspin.

I want to start filing FCC complaints about random things. Like Alex Trebek looked into the camera suggestively. People spin the Wheel of Fortune wheel counter clockwise. Bob Costas' pink eye caused me to have pink eye. Cheaters caused my significant other to question our relationship. There are no white people on The


What about the non-drunkard who does not want to live in a police state?
What if I want to be left alone as I drive to work and home?

If you want to catch drunks, do that. Pull them over when they cross the center line, respond to reports to 911, don't hassle me on my way to work.

Many have died by less. See molasses, Boston.

Strange-people in the South are re-living the past?

"I'm taking my talents to South Venus". -LeBron

I'm going for the inevitable moment when Lebron leaves the Toons for the Monstars

I'm usually not a vengeful guy, but as a true American, today I really hate: 1) Canada; 2) its President; 2) its 10 states; 3) its 3 colonies; 4) its capital, Toronto; 5) the fact that they drive on the left side of the road, like idiots; and especially 7) Justin Bieber

After mediation, everyone agreed that he would only party when the Bucs win. Twice a year isn't so bad.

I've got a neighbor who is all into this. He's got a bunker with a ten year supply of canned goods, so he's ready. He even gave me a tour. While I was down there, I stole his can opener though.

What is the statute of limitations, how long? How long do they want to make it? How successful is a court case going to be 40 years later?

I don't know what else the Russians could have expected when they built the hotels out of straw and sticks.

I still haven't forgiven the Cossacks for their involvement in stealing the GoldenEye satellite weapon in the 90s.

Cossacks fighting Goths. Party like it's 1399!

Can't we all just sing a song?!

"I can see them from my house!"