
Would anyone mind explaining to me who would be buying this? I mean, the overlap between “People with a half million dollars to spare” and “People looking to finish their mint first edition MTG collection” can’t be that big. I guess I could also imagine some collectible shop wanting it to show their Magic cred.

guys i just moved out because of a roommate i didnt like. did i do a cancel?

Maybe fifteen years ago he did a fundraiser to keep from losing his home, so I don’t know if he’s doing all that well, financially.

I’m going with the wall jump in the original Super Mario Brothers. It was incredible the first time I intentionally pulled that off.

Recent? Wasn’t that about a decade ago? I could swear I remember it running back when I was in law school, and that 09-12.

I haven’t listened to the podcast, but the excerpt reinforces my thinking about Last of Us getting the game of the year award. In a normal year, yeah, sure. It’s got great graphics, it’s got a shocking story, it’s doing the prestige game work. But if there’s anything 2020's been about, it’s been about being close

I tried reinstalling it a month or two back, and found that there was something wrong with the installer for the launcher (frigging launchers. I swear) that kept it from working. Is that still the case? I’ve got a new computer now, and I wouldn’t mind having it back on the hard drive, just in case.

This is something that’s really changed the way I game recently. I’ve been really digging how quick it is to get into a game on the Switch, and it has a lot of options where spending ten minutes playing makes sense. I also bought a new computer a few weeks ago, along with my first SSD drive, so loading happens very,

I’d never played one of those games before maybe two weeks ago, but I bought S4 because I read an article about it that interested me, and I thought it would fit well with working from home, seeing as my Switch is right there. Now, I spend no less than half my lunch and any time I have waiting for meetings to start

The Brewers don't have a ton going for them, but damn, do I love that they're the Commissioner's favorite. I hope to see a lot of this system this year.

+3 frigging hours in Cleveland.

The Assassination Of Jesse James was good? I hadn't heard anything about it, but it kept catching my eye every time I was at the video rental shop. I kind of wish I'd picked it up now, but unfortunately, it was always second choice. I may have to look it up.

I wouldn't be surprised if they could take the Bucks to school right now.

Sorry for the edit; didn't realize anyone had responded yet.

Yeah, buddy! Let's get these guys a new stadium!

I think I lived in Arizona in 1992, and I don't remember hearing a thing about this! It's nice to know that their fucking nuttiness isn't a new thing. Guess it would just be hard to draw Bugs Bunny cutting it off.

I read it that way, too, and wondered why I've never gone to brunch while I was single. Sounds like a good time.

Yeah, I'm all grumpy and old about the kids and their Twitters. As it is, I have to go to the bar and bug a stranger to talk about the game, though. Having an open thread would certainly be cheaper.

I actually wouldn't mind more reporting on actual sporting events and results. I know that there are better places to get scores, but I would welcome a place to discuss the games. Of course, there's not a ton of space for commenters to make jokes on those, so I'd like the standard fare to continue.

Fix your damn everything issues, NBC. I could not have been more disappointed in the coverage, especially because I got the chance to see the BBC's broadcast of a couple of events. They do it right.