
Well, at least they didn't outshine the US curling teams too badly, then.

Well, this kind of goes against what I was assuming. I had guessed that NBC's tape-delayed broadcasts for all sports had their announcing done contemporaneously with the event, just because they were weren't afraid to be utterly wrong in their predictions, but it seems a little nuts to have three pairs doing live

Wow, I yearn for the day that we get to hear from media more interested in accurately describing what they heard rather than than what their readers are too sensitive to deal with.

Yeah. Not to diminish what Sinister1 did here, but I've seen him do this at a marathon three times now, and every time he got better. Zallard, though, came out of NOWHERE to put together a hell of a blind run.

The gauntlet is thrown down! The only bloody mary I like is the Wicked Hop's, but I've not tried the County Clare. Actually, I haven't gotten down there since my buddy moved out from across the street a couple years back. I rarely leave my little suburb anymore, because I'm old and boring.

A quick rule of thumb: if you saw the title of this and thought, "Wow, I'm going to need a drink to deal with this!" then you're probably in trouble.

The only people who will miss Candlestick are the neighbors who charged $80 to park on their yards. I once spent as much time in the traffic jams getting to and out from the game as I did at the game itself.

I ask, you deliver. Hey everybody! Burneko does requests!

My only problem with that line is that I'm never going to get the chance to use it myself, unless a date at the aquarium goes tragically, hilariously wrong.

You know, sometimes I'm amazed I've stuck with football long enough to have a pretty firm grasp of the rules. If I had to start fresh and someone was trying to explain the different types and outcomes of kicks, I'm certain I would give up and just watch hockey instead.

Apparently, the folks who write these memos read Deadspin. I note that they didn't address it to "talent" this time.

Remember, betting odds aren't actually odds of winning. They're the odds a bookkeeper has to offer to get the betting profile they want. Like, earlier this year, I think the Broncos were favored by 35 over the Jaguars (can't be bothered to look it up, but I think that's what it was). They had to set it there to get

I loved the first one. I've felt burned out on the second one for about a month now. Hopefully, by the time it hits DVD, I'll be ready for more Anchorman, because I'm inclined to skip it in theaters right now.

Every young goat I've seen of about that size has been much, much more lightly built. I'm fairly certain that's a lamb. Adult male sheep aren't called "rams" because they have a lot of memory, after all. Of course, since having seen the GIF, I've seen maybe a dozen people call it a goat, one person call it a dog, and

Wow. I just watched a thirty-second ad to watch a fifteen second video. It may have looked like a hockey rink, but it sure felt like football.

He's actually dubbed in afterwards. It's like a laugh track, but for fights.

Yup. My advice is to try and avoid ending up in front of a grand jury. If you do, though, bring a lawyer and consult with him before answering every question. Attorneys other than the district attorney aren't allowed in front of the grand jury in any state I know of, though. You'll have to step outside to talk with

Not at all. The Commonwealth will probably demand her testimony against Hernandez, though.