
So... in the real world, there is no difference? I remember a time when these things were boiling down to MINUTES, not SECONDS. I can wait a few extra seconds for that GB file to compress :)

How long until this becomes the new type of landing page for malware? Let's be honest... the SEO poisoned results that plague Google and Bing already redirect to a page that looks like Windows Security Center (or something of the like). It scares the shit out of dumb people (aka my father) and fools them into clicking

Rocked these for years. Have used the bottle opener once. Think how skeevy it is in concept. It makes contact with the cap and the bottle edge.

There was nothing in his sentence that was untrue.

So because of a 10 mile stretch of the NJ Turnpike you assume the other 200 miles is trash? Keep going on the Turnpike south and you'll have a change of heart.

People watch too much TV. Jersey resident and there's plenty of beauty, even at the Jersey Shore.

Thank you for already typing what I wanted to type.

Listen buddy no need to lose your shit on the interwebs. I didn't say your dick was small, I said somebody wielding a knife to another human probably intends to harm them.

You are forgetting that this botnet is new. As it ages and updates itself, it will eventually host new features and tougher encryption. Look at Conficker... Six months after it's first "release", it updated itself to include Super SpyBot Buttfucker 2009 scareware to fool "average joe users" into dishing out their

Just a thinking point... what exactly do you think the attacker is trying to do WITH the knife? Lightly scathe him and escape by jogging away?

Agreed. Very annoying.

Exactly my point... this isn't "a very bad idea". It sounds like the editor just doesn't understand how it's being used. HDD tech has come a far way.

Isn't SATA designed to be powered up and down very frequently to save power? Also... who's to say that the OS isn't flashed onto some type of solid-state memory and the HDD is strictly for media?

Nasty too. vommmm

I still cannot believe that people code so shitty in the first place. I'm reading this like "Huh? You mean people don't store their passwords as MD5 or SHA in the first palce? And the same people don't hash the inputted password either and just compare that way?!?!"

Not for nothing... but they're probably just using TOR webpages that change their domain name with a one-time pad each day. Boom. Done.


Thank you for pointing this out.

Somewhat same setup on my Droid Pro. GMail client mixed with Exchange via Motoblur "Corporate Sync"

Are you against the idea of IMAP? You can specify which IMAP folders to sync on each device (Outlook would obviously be ALL, iPhone would be selective).