
Microsoft has been pushing for passwordless (biometric, et al) for a few years now. And that’s not a BAD thing.

While that’s true, you don’t magically get x86/x64 application support on ARM Windows 10. So any applications you’re using Windows for in the first place are probably SOL.

Or just throw a rope ladder up with hooks on the end?

Haribo sugar free gummy bears

Haribo sugar free gummy bears

Kind of clickbaity to make the a screenshot of a perfectly safe extension the thumbnail for an article talking about “auditing for unsafe extensions”.

So much for the “Paleo Diet” actually being a thing.

“And they’re not in-your-face cornballs like CrossFit zealots.”

That’s just Zasz, Zerg Cerebrate

Exactly. I look at some of my friends who have Androids and the font choice for all apps is like Comic Sans or some other insane typeface that makes my eyes bleed. They have every single effect enabled so the battery burns out in 45 minutes. I jumped ship to iOS years ago because “it just works”. I dont want these

Remember when they were using their own form of QR codes?

Rollback to Windows 7 and install GWX Control Panel to block this garbage forever. If you don’t want it, you don’t need to have it.

Well, they will need a killer feature for the iPhone 7 that will revolutionize mobile space in a way no one has before. /s

Jabba was literally 600+ years old. That’s Yoda-esque in age. His family’s empire spanned huge swaths of space, not just “one Outer Rim planet”.

The preview chapter I read online was very.... fragmented. It read like a screenplay instead of a novel. I’m sure the actual story is great, but I get annoyed with entire pages filled with one-line sentences.

“The hardware enabled the hackers to connect a man-in-the-middle device to the ethernet cable without interrupting the surveillance camera feed.”

Sounds like that big push for Xbox One to virtaulize everything will take advantage of RemoteFX over RDP. I can't imagine it using anything else.

It's not so much as it "fixes the problem", but more so it quickly addresses dozens of potential problems for lay people. For example, it's much faster to tell someone to restart their machine than it is to release/renew an IP address via DHCP.

I dropped about 25 lbs in four weeks. Completely possible.

As a few people have already pointed out, it's mostly used for traffic information, namely in the notification drop-down. It's smart enough to know where I spend my 5pm-8am locations and assume that's "home" and give me a rough estimate of driving time in the pull down.

Except you tip after the meal, in which you're not subscribing to anything, you're post-paying. I get what you're saying, but it honestly is the incorrect word. Not to mention the fact that the acronym myth itself has been dispelled.