
Question... when you speak about WinMo 6.5 and syncing folders... I assume you mean physically plugging your phone's USB cord in and syncing the files? Because otherwise there's no way to POP your stuff off the mail server to your phone after it's been POP'd to Outlook (unless you leave a local copy on the server for

Most importantly... when you sell something with BuyItNow, make sure they have to pay IMMEDIATELY! Do not let them fandangle some weird invoice. Also make sure you only ship to countries you want to, not just selling in.

Ah there you are Godwin! I was looking for you!

Do NOT do this with Outlook. This is an awful idea. Yes, Dropbox will only sync the delta of the files (changed bytes only), so the transfers aren't bad, but you will CONSTANTLY be attempting to sync because the file is locked.

Ah yes Blur... I have a Droid Pro and legit the same setup as you. I just bypassed that nonsense by using the first-party apps instead of the built-in shit Moto included. So Exchange is the only thing in the "universal inbox", Gmail uses the Google App, Facebook uses FB app, SMS is it's own thing obviously, etc etc.

IE9 is huge.

Oh God no I'm sorry. Go buy some cheaper poly cones online for $30/pair. There's soooo much bad about this. I'm not being one of those audiophile car stereo freaks here that will complain about looks, but between mismatched ohmage and time invested, this just isn't worth it.

If it had magnets to swap out (powerful enough to hold weight, but not fuck with the circuitry) then yeah it'd be clutch

God I thought I was the only one who lost a home-made shower mirror every year :E

Yeah, but that doesn't mean you can't install a second router behind it and use the ATT one as the interne gateway

I know you can do this with tweaks to Win7 already, but one of the greatest things about XP was the ability to use Windows SteadyState to cache a session and commit changes pending admin approval. Great for kiosk and business centers, but would be smart to make this the "Guest Account" way of working.

Exactly... Excel's GUI sucks when it comes to window management. I'm sure they keep it this way because of old-school users who are just "too used" this this poor ergonomic design.

Yes, and works pretty well too!

Odds are the front desk simply keyed the wrong number in at the desk. I know our PMS system encodes the keys one at a time. Older systems are even more user-non-friendly. Although I fricken HATE the new Vingcard terminals running on Windows CE

And furthermore, tabs are usually in their own sandbox as independent processes. So still a little confused at your point?

Who cares? You already have to be picky with x64 as it is.

Not a big deal if Microsoft releases ported versions of .NET SDK's soon... As for non-.NET programs, I'm sure there exist compilers for ARM

Poor comparison. Dell is everywhere because at the time, they were cheap and the influx of Active Directory integration pushed Win2K and XP over the proverbial hump. It could have been Packerd Bell for all we know if they didn't collapse from the inside-out.

I'm a fan of naming dogs real-people names. I dislike "Spike" but think "Frank" is hilarious for a dog. It makes them more personal to your family IMO.