
How would this impact babies made by rape which as we all know is God's will?

Funny that after you install this, if you post a link to this article on your FB - it blocks it. LOL.

My penis goes nowhere near a vagina, thank you.

I think many people like her would agree but would say it renders the argument "mute" [sic]

You MUST be kissing the wrong people.

Nope. You aren't - especially since the entire crux of this article was about stating what you want and articulating well if there is a reason that you do not want something. Well played!

I can think of no point in my life where I would NOT ever use this headline in a conversation.

Me too.... and angry cabbages are the WORST!


I wonder what an EEG would declare of the US Congress?

I am a Futurist. And I predict there will be an earthquake 20 AND 30 years in the future. YOU, sir, are a cad.

I hope this response is sarcasm? Because if not, you really need a big ol' pill of chill.

I didn't realize Siri was ever on Android.... don't tell Apple - they will get all sue happy again.

Oh, maybe it was - I didn't read it that way. Then again, I am not overly sensitive to things on here.

That the focus is on the content, not the maker - or at least that is what I assumed since this is under the 'WTF' label.

Even more recent research (the kind I just made up in my mind) indicates that sleeping while lying down is very bad for you. It appears now that there is a movement toward standing sleep beds, which have been demonstrated (in my imagination) to decrease the probability of lots of bad things and increases the

"There ARE a lot of data out there." data = plural

I do not think the comparison was with Samsung, just a general statement about catching up with the competition. I have a two year old HTC Android device, that the iPhone 5 is just now catching up with in terms of camera, processor speed, screen size, etc. It simply is just a fact, not an insult, that there are better


Since this is called an OP-ED, I assume this is an opinion piece - therefore, why all these posts from people arguing with an opinion? If you don't agree, don't agree. It's Friday - have a drink instead of ranting. :)