
That makes me a fucking idiot^2. It's Friday, I'm OK with that. :)


I think he is gay.... he has always set off my gaydar... in a gross, slimy sort of way.

15 days annual leave, 15 days sick leave, 14 holidays. How many do I take? 10, 3, 10

I find that highly unlikely as most conservatives are averse to anything containing the word science and are more interested in terms incorporating 'design'.

I think you are viewing science using too narrow of a lense. No, what I mean to say is that the concept of morality (ethics, cultural revolution, etc) has not always been polluted by religion and/or tied to some paranormal force. It can be simply boiled down to what is most appropriate within a given culture, context,

I think you should look up the original definition of morality - prior to the pollution of religion.

Morality can be based solidly in science. If you would like to know more, read a book by Sagan. Maybe, "The Pale Blue Dot"?

Anyone can choose the "pick three from history game", but it strikes me as funny that you chose those three - the go to for religious types. Pol Pot & Hitler were catholic and Stalin was christian (Stalin attended seminary for many years). WHY would we want science to provide morality? Because it is logical and

I am confused by the ongoing Android/Apple war. I have had an iPhone, loved it. Now I have an HTC Droid, love it. As time goes on, everything becomes the same. Apple/Samsung. Democrats/Republicans. Burger King/McDonald's. LaToya/Michael.

Not enough readers I guess?

Yes, in fact I do. Actually, your comments makes A LOT of sense!

Interesting, yet another 'tool' that does not include my field. Also, it seems pretty generic, I just did the online assessment indicating that I am not happy with my current employer (institution), yet it recommended positions AT my current employer. Additionally, it appears to assume that every one works for the

I am not sure where you originated the fact that Einstein's IQ was 90. Most indicators point to his IQ being 160. A Google search and approximately 100 sites can confirm this.

Really? Is it somehow unique from the other thousands just like it that are falling apart? I think you need a kitten!

This might be a really stupid question, but if so many people were soooo concerned about this fresco - why didn't they DO something about it. People just bitch way too much and do too little.

Sorry, pumpkin - it is not just Southern women who use the expression 'Bless your heart' - it it Southern men as well. But, I am sure you were not aware of that, since I suppose you are a Yankee. But, don't worry, you just have the sweetest little ol' face. :)

Sorry, I might have missed something. What does AIDS Healthcare Foundation have to do with anything?

Some nights I do have flammable urine. I wish those nights were documented.... somewhere....