
OK, I am going to ask a really dumb question. It is like asking someone what their name is after you have known them a year dumb. While these pictures may be awesome - and I love them an many like them - if these are not what they look like, wouldn't almost any other pictures be as beautiful if

I use 'password'.... I think it is so complex that people do not even consider it an option anymore.

Well, I do not think they meant that keys were never the culprit. (I have a love/hate relationship with keys - love they let me in nice places - hate they run away and get lost, scratch things, etc)

Funny name... considering what is happening to the glaciers in the world and all...

I honestly think Ryan was picked in an attempt to pander to women with the idea he is 'young', 'hip' and 'sexy'.... too mad Mittens didn't realized that would be trumped by 'crazy'.

People who live in my state..... *sad trombone* Howdy from South effing Carolina.

I think he has invested somehow in a futures dividend that will pay off when Obama wins.

No, that is her Power Look. :)

While we are not able to do a 4/10 schedule in our office, we analyzed patterns of need and determined that offering a 'non-traditional' office hours until 1900 one night per week would meet the needs of our clients. Therefore, we close every Friday at 1500. While it is not much, it was based on solid data and we have

As an employer at the beginning of an interview, I state there are no right or wrong answers - and everything is up to the interpretation of the interviewee. This really seems to knock people off their game, however, for some people you see a wave of relief pass across them and these interviews tend to be the best. We


I know, right? I love Adele even though she is kinda hefty.

Well, I mean, come on - let's face in it - after 2 seconds it was apparent anyway. Also, when have you ever seen a small group of guys with bodies like those near each other - aside from the Olympics?

Totally as the chardonnay - I know hundreds of homeless folk - they are very creative and could probably concoct one heckuva cocktail!

Donate it to the homeless!

Meh, I doubt if anyone really thinks that - there is hate and intolerance everywhere.

So, I totally did not believe that we as Americans could be this ridiculous? We are. I highly recommend checking out that page and reading what some of these people are complaining about - for a person who lives in South Carolina (me), I am just glad that there is another part of the country who has their own fair

I wonder if he knows the difference between a crowd and a mob. Because I'm thinking that he doesn't really builds crowds - he builds mobs - the kinds that want to beat the crap out of him. (and then burn his card)

You know what? I agree with you a million percent.

I thought the commercial was awesome. Guess I am too shallow?