
If he explains it in 26 seconds, why is the video 24 seconds? Does that mean that we are missing the ~8% that would blow our minds?

I actually loved the movie. Though, I admit, I have become quite adept at separating my perceptions of a movie based on a book. I believe if you treat them as separate, unrelated stories, the movie is quite good. Albeit filled with scientific inaccuracies.

Zombies eat hotdogs!

CfA pressure cooks their sandwiches - they are not fried. Per the CfA website at least.

"I am so sorry, I forgot my medication this morning. Let me go get it as I am finding it hard to separate your voices from those that follow me. I will be right back..."

I am an infectious diseases epidemiologist and I have found strong influences in Einstein, Gödel and Sagan - to say that I stand out among my peers in as understatement. Whether that is good or bad is a matter of perspective. I simply miss works along the lines of the aforementioned, while I appreciate Greene and

Well, we all know the camera adds 10 pounds... where is that, Mr. Sciencey Scientist guy?

Probably not, I imagine if you were you would be far to busy to post on Giz about right now.

Mine always turns 'I' into 'You' and the reverse. Makes for some interesting SMSs.

Oh, and no bias... it's called auto correct, it does weird things with words and capitalizations. You might have heard of it?

I believe if you had more first hand knowledge of the Russian invasion of Georgia in 2008, it would be more apparent that there are occupying forces in a sovereign nation. Or at least as viewed by many governments in that region, primarily, the ones that matter in this example.

Islamists are extremists. Muslims are not. Or that is how Americans tend to view it.

Ok, let's ignore that you forgot a huge swath of the former Soviet Union; let's also forget that you stated they would invade Georgia (from which their troops have still not retreated to the original lines before 2008 - so they are still invading); ignore the fact that the Allied Forces handed many countries over to

"Their religion"? If I assume you mean Islam...Uhm..... no it doesn't. Or, it does, in the same way xtianity demands the extermination of non-xtians. Wait, maybe it does... Hitler was a xtian afterall... If you meant a religion other than Islam, of which I am unaware, then to you I truly apologize.

Who dies from Drano? That's just crazy talk. I just had a big glass of

Aw, come on... It's Kansas City, they have to get something cool so they don't revolt.

THANK YOU!!!! I was thinking the same thing. At least in the Deep South, if it is a genuine 'bless his/her heart' we follow it up and say "Bless his heart - no, really" ;)

Good point. :)

I agree about risk reduction, I just cannot get into prescribing meds that will potentially do more harm than good for a <95% efficacy. Considering the increase of multi-drug resistant infections of everything (including HIV) - I wish we could learn that we create bigger problems when we result to front end loaded rx