
I thought I was the only one with cat chairs!!!

HIV is not really one of the worst infectious diseases of modern society any longer. There are far worse and far more infectious diseases.

With a condom there is very little risk and the lower a person's viral load, the less infectious s/he is. I just believe this is absolute insanity to build up potential ARV resistance by providing medication that is incredibly expensive (mostly in the US) for a minimal reduction of infection risk. Sorry if I sound

I'm more concerned about her outfit and hair...

Well, this is just some BS. Screw the drug company and their profits - either stop having unprotected sex with an infected person or use a condom. Done.

I did not know that, thanks for sharing!

I am still laughing. When I saw the names, I assumed drag queens and passed on by.... I saw your comment and went back. Glad I did. I have not laughed that hard in a while. Thanks!

I so feel you. While my office does not have uniforms, we have a dress code. The expectations - in my mind - are ridiculous. A shirt, tie, slacks, etc etc. HOW can I be creative when I feel like I am being strangled? If it was a battle for life, I could - I never realized how much clothing at work impacts my ability

My gaydar is probably 99% correct.

There were two things in which he was funny (IMHO) the Bush skits and Talladega Nights. Other than that, I think his delivery is poor and his acting is lame. I doubt if he will be 'Bewitch'ing anyone soon.

I kinda thought the same thing - but it is amazing how many people do not read the back of the bag.

I just started using the 'Don't Break the Streak' method 4 weeks ago and it is amazing! Something so simple. I might try this 30 minute dealio too.

I travel to Estonia a lot and they are well known for their wool. In many parts of the country, they sell these amazingly heavy but VERY breathable hand made wool socks. They are the best I have ever had. I highly recommend them. If you want to wear shoes with them -forget it. :) I am wearing them now. Ahhhhh..... :)

We got into an argument about this at the office recently. I believe that using two spaces looks a bit outmoded, sort of like using 12 point (v. 11 point) font. Somethings just look strange nowadays.

Boo! It requires iOS 4.2 :(