I’ll put $100 that at least one Redskins’ game this season will be started at QB by someone not currently on the roster.
I’ll put $100 that at least one Redskins’ game this season will be started at QB by someone not currently on the roster.
“I’ll change the nickname as soon as this calendar ends.” DS
Shit, and my money was on Magary being PFTCommenter. Never would have guessed SP.
God, let’s hope it happened in that order.
It’s about ethics in sports “journalism.”
Look, if MMQB wants to be an independent source of news and journalism on the NFL, that’s perfectly fine. And if MMQB wants to be a quasi-independent source of news, journalism and sometimes propaganda on the NFL, that’s fine, too.
Clearly Mark Madsen.
They’re disrupting indecision.
He’s an actor. He’s playing the Jeauxker in Seauxicide Sqeauxd.
“Judge Case is deeply hated here in Montgomery County, especially by LEOs.”
I can only assume that leaving off “You Don’t Know Jack Vol. 4: The Ride” was an oversight.
He was also a spouse-abusing, child-abusing hypocrite. That’s not me, that’s according to his son.
We’re at the point where hosting the Winter Games does not require having a winter.
Biggie v. 2Pac.
No worries. Who ended up with Jamie Moyer?
No better way to mince garlic than with an AK.
Perhaps DeAndre realized too late that he was signing up to play for a petty, entitled, immature asshole and decided that getting stiffed for a high five by CP3 every now and again wasn’t so bad after all.
Let’s all root for this. The NBA is a much more exciting league with the Clippers great and exciting and the Mavs mediocre than with the Clippers mediocre and the Mavs slightly less mediocre.
The sad thing is that his “Fuck you, I’m better than you and richer than you so I’m going to do what I want and mock you for thinking I shouldn’t” attitude is exactly why his supporters like him. They think this is the attitude that the president of the United States should have to the rest of the world.