
You win everything.

Hartford. In eleven years.

“Now, if the Coyotes are indeed moving, the NHL has obvious incentives to keep that information quiet for as long as possible, as every sports league has learned from the debacle in Seattle with the Supersonics. Knowing the team is leaving will make it more difficult to secure an arena lease deal for a single season,

It’s Hoagiefest now. They stopped capitalizing the “F” a long time ago.

“No Slobby Knobbys at the Hobby Lobby.”

He’s going to the Kings not the Knicks.

It’s like the reverse of the Chappelle’s Show R. Kelly Jury Selection sketch.

Hoop Gawd is going to get his ass shook down by Frequency Vibrations.

Top 5 restaurants I miss since moving from Seattle:

27. Kickball

and a red mill

But that was the grittiest attempt to ride a hoverboard I’ve ever seen! What hoverhustle!

By the way, Tip, that fucker was expired. You owe me a six-inch meatball.

A cynical attempt to generate attention for themselves.

Where the hell is Zachary Quinto when you need him?

This is exactly how the real Civil War started.

Fact is, they’re built around three stars; two are gone for the year, yet they are tied at 1 in the Finals and they have home court. Whatever he is doing or not doing, whether he’s actively impacting the team or just staying out of the way, they are in just about as good a position as any team could hope to be at this

Totally. This shit is right in their wheelhouse. They eat this kind of shit right up, no questions asked.

So here’s the question: