
The media always gave him a pass on this. I think it's because they were desirous of seeing a bad quarterback do well.

He is incredibly talented but also has an unusual tendency toward bonehead moves like lazily dropping a fly ball or celebrating a home run before it fails to clear the wall, which makes him interesting to follow, since any moment could result in a great play or disaster.

he is, roughly, the Kevin Durant or Mike Trout of his sport

If you shit in a bucket, you save water by not flushing.

Academic scholarship kids can work a part-time job. Athletes have practice, games, etc., so they don't have the time to get a part-time job...not that they could, anyway, because NCAA rules forbid it. If they are going to be forbidden from earning extra cash to buy their own, they should at least be given as much

The racist asshole in the original photo looks like he is really getting dressed down by that redskin.

Hope his digestion is super-speed, too.


I'm calling it now: Neil Patrick Harris. He's already a CBS guy from HIMYM, he's universally liked, has hosting experience, and would be diverse as the first openly gay host of a major network late-night talk show.

Nothing. Nothing at all.

Then, the woman on the right yelled Yahtzee and the other woman had to go to jail without passing go or drawing four, and the color is blue.

Hey, Wood. Have you ever seen a grown man naked? Well, you're about to.

Johnny Weir?

Thin mints? That's a clown cookie, bro.

He's not watching a device though. I don't understand why you posted this.

"So, bro, I finally banged that chick with the hot-ass toes..."

Quit disrupting the narrative, Tom's doing a thing right now.

Has anyone here ever actually been to Japan? Because I'm starting to think that it's just a Reddit meme and not a real place.

And it's in green.

Someone clearly didn't have his morning cheesesteak today.