
At the risk of sounding crass, holy shit that was amazing! I love the style in all of these. I can also appreciate a fellow Kill la Kill fan as well.

Dunno if they’re made by the same person but these Character Class Cards for the DAI MP are gorgeous.


Still kinda miffed that people don’t realize there are fallout games before fallout 3.... like it just appeared out of thin air or something...

No, I’m merely noting this shit always plays out as a lose/lose situation.

I get a distinct feeling Ubisoft is about to learn when you throw people rope, more often than not they try to hang you with it.

Well, that’s the internet for you. Stupid people being stupid.

Ugh, the whole female assassin controversy is so wall-bangingly stupid. Female playable characters weren't cut, they were never on the table, because Unity has only one playable character like every AC.

Pre-order bonuses in general are dumb, but this is just classic out of touch Nintendo.

Hey! I would like to see more visibility for the people who are buried in the credits - less worship of PR god-kings. I’d like to see people abandon the debate about what a game is, and embrace the sheer polychromatic Trip that an artificial experience can be. We were copying each other, so often and so cynically -

I’ve lived through a few layoffs - both receiving, and having to administer - and it was traumatic as hell, both ways. I think the industry has struggled under the pricepoint of a 60 dollar disc, and the expectations associated with that, for years. And it’s about to shatter into a zillion pieces of different sizes.

They already said Japan is not that interesting

I think we should implement a system that forces you to read entire articles before commenting.

This is awesome. Clunky, and far under the capabilities of the UE4, but every historical artefact, be it a small bone fragment, or a gigantic castle, should be preserved like this. I probably wouldn’t even hesitate to buy a game/app with such scans.

Unlocking a car isn’t the main point of a racing game. Driving the car is.

God, people really will find a reason to complain about anything. Game developers are people too. They have the right to have fun, just as much as the people playing the game. Publicly pwning that hacker was probably a ton of fun for them. Let them have it. Christ...

nope, none of this ‘well, if your loot system wasn’t broken people wouldn’t cheat’ nonsense. Cheaters cheat regardless of how ‘unbroken’ a system is. That’s just a weak attempt at blaming the devs for someone else’s actions because “dev = company = ALL COMPANIES ARE BIG AND EVIL ALL THE TIME THEY DON’T CARE ABOUT YOU

Well if American rhetoric is any indication, raising wages for artists will make the products themselves go up in cost so no one will buy them anymore. The solution should be to pay the artists less, so the price of the product must inevitably go down and become more affordable to everyone else. In fact, why are we