
The irony in your post is that that way of thought is typical for angry teenagers. I’m going to guess you touched the beta and then jumped on the hate-wagon without a second thought just to feel like you were part of something.

This is Bethesda we’re talking about, in the gamer hive mind it’s currently a “can do no wrong” publisher. On the other hand, EA is the devil according to said hive mind.

Interesting points but I have to disagree on the gameplay part. What made Far Cry 3 and 4 (and blood dragon, to a lesser extent) so damn good, addictive and satisfying were in large parts the shooting mechanics and the stealth mechanics that had you facing the human enemies.

For sure, people have been “inspired” by Blizz’s designs, but what’s funny is that precious few of those designs can be called anything original on Blizzard’s part either. I mean 2 of their most famous franchises are very, very “inspired” from the 2 warhammer tabletops.

I got it with my video card for free, and imo that’s exactly what the price should be for R6S: free.

So you’re telling me you’ve never bought titles you were hyped for and then regretted buying them OR you found that even though you enjoyed the crap out of them, most people wouldn’t pay that much for it? Because you know, this is all very much subjective. Tell me you haven’t done that, we’ll see who’s the hypocrite :D

Gah don’t jinx it, but Coruscant would be amazing !

I mean I would’ve loved to have Yavin 4 or a Cloud City but both Tatooine and Hoth are more iconic from their respective episodes so it makes sense. We’ll see what comes in the future I guess.

I mean I don’t know what I expected from kotaku comments on an ea article but it’s still sad.

Good article. From it and others like it I feel like while the changes and especially the lack of comm could have been handled better by Overkill, what’s absolutely jarring is the players’ response.

Well... all your chart is doing is hammering his point (ie, they need more time), so I’m not sure what was the intended agenda. Also, a chart you should consider adding is one that lists development costs for AAA games of similar scopes as Star Citizen.

I’ve read all your comments and it’s rather obvious you’ve never touched 3D, drawings, game creation or anything of the kind because you seem very... well, ignorant about all that. “Just add some VFX here and there” “The game is ugly because there’s no snow storm”... that’s ... a peculiar way of thinking.

Battlefield (3 and 4) create some of the best gunplay experiences in video games. But don’t forget the guys who inspired DICE in the first place: Tripwire.

Yeah I always watch with subs, maybe that was part of the issue. Are there good dubs for it?

Slice of life is an acquired taste, but the setting and characters of NNB never fail to relax me, make me laugh and just simply make a long day’s work feel much better afterwards.

I liked the first season but the second one seemed to be a little bit too much into esoteric dialogues and indulge indulge a lot into purposely obscure relationships/issues. I understand it wants to purposely confuse the spectator to drive its points but when the entire duration of the show is bent on that, it makes

His march on Russia was motivated by the fact that not doing so might result in a resurgence of the coalition, which he tried to avoid. But yeah, he should have held back and quelled the allies again on a territory he could manage rather than attack Russia.

It was a truly great and terrifying era.

Good jest, sir (at least I hope it is).

Berdu also makes some killer BF4 screenshots, I suggest you guys give it a look, there’s some awesome wallpaper material there.