
Oh is that all you want? Sure you don't want some filet mignon and lobster to go with it? You want a golden calf also?

I couldn't hear over the sound of gunshots.

If it's anything like Killing Floor one on Steam then it's guaranteed to be great and not have a story. Just because they are focusing a bit on gore doesn't mean it's automatically bad...

Why are you playing videogames if you think story is the only thing of substance to be found?

the really fun original practically had no story. It was all about surviving in Multiplayer with others.

When the community started recommending his response.

Unwanted? When did you start speaking for the community at large?

Can I resurrect this meme?

Holy goddamn shit. It's easy to look at lions and not fear them, we're mostly so disconnected and at a safe distance. When most of our images are of them at rest, lounging about, like a feline Buddah, it's easy to forget how utterly fearsome they are. But this image, it's spectacular. That's a creature to be feared

I see this purely in consulting terms (I’m a consultant). Microsoft here was the client, who outsourced their project to a consultant team (Darkside). They agreed on terms, budget, etc. and work started.

I thought it was a pretty neat way to represent time physically.

If Mass Effect 3 taught me anything, it's that you don't want to let Gamerdom at large dictate to you whether something is good or bad. After running through the entire trilogy consecutively, I really thought ME3 was the most refined of the bunch, and for a series with so many possible choices and alternate routes you

It's really not THAT bad, just not...what many wanted it to be. The Ending DLC adjustment went a long way to fix MY personal issues with it, but hey, to each his own. I still highly recommend the series to everyone, you should definitely finish :D

Yay, articles about games that aren't even close to coming to fruition yet.

Now playing

I was hoping my buddy’s Battlefield 3 video would make it =(. Maybe next time... start the video at 7:00 mins in, if it doesn’t already.