
You are what’s wrong with gaming in 2015.

You are so clever. I see what you did there! I get it!! Holy shit. WELL played.................................................................................................................

Stephen Fry made that remark specifically in response to The Incitement to Religious Hatred Bill, which was intended to be used to throw anyone who made jokes at the expense of religions in jail for up to seven years.

So because someone, somewhere, was slightly offended, it should be removed? CONFORM. OBEY. NO PUBLIC OPINIONS ALLOWED. ALL SHALL FALL IN LINE

She is not one to fucking talk -.-

I know I say this a lot these days, but truly THIS heralds the Death of Gaming. When developers begin listening to their community and making alterations to the game based on feedback, we’ve boarded the Censorship Train on the way to Unethical Town.

Literally couldn’t play the game because of a small block of text that indirectly discriminated against one group in a minor way.

Thank god this absolute travesty was righted. I can go back to finding the next thing to be insulted and triggered by.

The same way Dark Helmet does.

Also, in Warframe you can trade rare drops with platinum (real money currency) from other players. So you can actually get all of the items in the cash shop without spending any money.

I play both Diablo III and Path of Exile, and honestly, I like Path of Exile better.

Amazing! Screw Rebels- THIS needs to be made a series

TIE Fighter is one of the best games of all time. It's always fun being the bad guy.

I play on PS4 and I'm still really annoyed by all the timed exclusives for Destiny. It's petty bullshit, MS and Sony are just constantly scrambling to find new ways to screw each other and the only ones who end up getting fucked are large portions of the video game community.