
I have too little information on the article's game to form a real opinion on what it was, and now it seems to be hard to find any info, so my point was more of a general one.

Like I said, not sure how it applies to the case at hand, but it seems to me they were on greenlight, not released, right? They weren't actually asking for money at this point, more like minimal recognition to eventually get some. I'm not conjecturing on how they work, if they're crooks or whatever, I'm looking at a

I'm sorry but that's a very basic way of thought. I'm not sure how much it applies in this specific case but in a lot of scenarios you can't just up and go "Ah well, I have tons of ideas and the talent to put some of those out there but I won't do it ever because people out there are assholes and I can't take the

As Gemmabeta pointed out: Napoleon Total War. BUT. You need to install the DarthMod with it, otherwise you won't have the experience you seek.

Playing the entire series with all the DLCs is a must if you're a fan. They bring a huge amount of story and content. Which is sad because y'know, they're DLCs...

Give us Helldivers on PC and we'll talk about lending you some of our stuff :3 (I don't care about Ps4X1, but why won't these games come to PC systematically?! D: )

Alright thanks for the info ! Looks like I'll wait on this one (not enough friends playing on Vita). Damn exclusives :<

Question: what platform are you playing on? I'm really interested but I only have a Vita and I don't plan on getting another PS system anytime soon so I was wondering if it was any fun on there and probably solo (don't have the roaming internet on it).

I just got "WHAT DOES SFMT STAND FOR?" in Luftrauser just after unlocking the SFMT mode (which seems to be a suicidally hard mode) and playing it for a minute or so of bullet hell; it made me really laugh because that's exactly what went through my head when I spawned in the midst of hundreds of projectiles like "WHAT

That trailer was really fun and more Wolfy is not something I'll pass. They could have cranked the music a bit more though (in the trailer), voices and such were louder which made for a weird disconnect.

One of the rare FPS of the type that made me laugh throughout its campaign which had a surpisingly fun story and silly dialogs. Gameplay wise it was a blast even if it got a bit tiresome towards the end imo.

The stomping gets me everytime :D Awesome machine!

Let me use the same logic on you for a second: you're a shitty human being. Quit.

Could you be more typical? My Bingo list of "all teh stuff people say to win an internet debate liek a 1337" is basically full thanks to you. Not sure what I'm winning but it better be good for bearing with another forumer who makes shit up and never ever backs what he says with actual reasoning.

Wow, it's disturbing how your rethoric (or lack thereof) is similar to hers in essence. You're a good follower, I would totally have you in my cult. Though you'd also need qualifications outside of internet forums but I'm sure we'll find something.

Suggesting? Because she's suggesting? That would mean she's open to discussion.

Using sarcasm to prove a null point doesn't make it a valid point :)

I'm still amazed at how much gamers manage to turn a blind eye to Sony's mounting pile of issues while focusing entirely on MS when they've completely backed out of basically everything controversial they had going (though they still have issues as well ofc).

Still can't swallow anything she says, even though she's not wrong on all points. It's the way she goes about it. The way she thinks she can intrude into the design of every game planetwide and change them the way SHE wants. As a developer, this attitude disgusts me. There is such a thing as respecting creative

After Shogun 2 it's my favorite TW game, especially when you boot the darthmod on it. I'm also biased because it's one of my favorite historical period but man, having over 2000 elite french cavalry charge the flank of an enemy army is still one of the best moments TW games ever gave me.