
Yeah moving away from DA:I was a good move though I'm not even sure they would've been that much worse off. DA2 lost a lot of trust from the community while Witcher 2 became quite popular for its niche.

While that is the sad truth, I still don't see it as a valid reason for so many to be pissed in the comments about a news like this saying they're trying to meet better quality standards on their fix. If the news was about Ubisoft saying "We consider we've done all we can and we are moving on" then yes, we would be

Like I said, I understand that, but it doesn't excuse that attitude the gaming community systematically takes instead of being more tolerant after they've already been heard. Angry backlash is rarely a proper response.

They made a big mistake releasing the game too soon but man a lot of gamers are like rabid dogs gnawing on a bone when they find one: they NEVER let go. Ubisoft might cure cancer tomorrow and gamers would still hate them.

Funny how CDPRed gets praised for pushing Witcher 3 a few months back (again) but Ubisoft pushing back a big update to meet better quality standards get hate.

The fond memories I have of this game...

Took me 12 hours to really get into this game (*spoiler* up to when Haven gets wrecked *end/spoiler*). And yeah, Hinterlands is fine for a while but the game is still opened up and visiting other regions saved it for me.

Here's hoping you're right ^^ I'm not putting 60$ in another game with the same AI, animation and overall problems as the previous 5 or 6 ones.

1) -> instead, wouldn't it be better if they just seriously announce a new engine? With a game of course, but I really just want Bethesda to release an entirely new and better engine for their games... and throw the old one out. That or use id tech if it has potential. Bethesda PLS.

Characters and environnements look great indeed, without going into details (by that I mean nitpicking).

C4 makes every game better. Every. Game.

So they add a streaming feature to Steam and don't call it something punny based on that? Shame on you Valve.

I'm not that much of an anime person but (much to my own surprise) I had a blast watching this show (and even rewatching 2 or 3 episodes!). Seriously great main protagonist and some of the stories are gold (the reference to avp in episode 10 had me laughing throughout).

I hate them so much... I'm playing on hard and the game's AIs are already tough enough to take on without being mauled by a frikkin flying devil while devising one of the many plans to attack the position.

People don't generally know many guns. While I would LOVE to see a FAMAS, an FN2000 or a TAVOR in more games, people like it when it's familiar. The good old trusty AK does a fine job of selling both the point that the game has a realistic aspect + the ennemies are not some sort of occidental army soldiers.

I'll tell you how I believe/know it went (mind you I don't work there but I'm very familiar with the kind of pressure these studios can feel):

I'm ready to get the next games in that series, seriously, a great experience. Tense yet slow paced, calm at times, and always, always gorgeous.

Nope, the megalodon started out as a rumor in BF4 vanilla. People thought it was an easter egg in Paracel Storm, but the megalodon only appeared in BF4's 3rd DLC: Naval Strike. At this point, it's safe to say it was added in the making of the DLC after the devs saw all the hype going around the initial rumors.

If you want something different, ODST is actually a very good game with a nice twist on the universe. It's much more melancholic and it really stuck with me. Reach is also a great time but you'll be sad after finishing it.