
I would love it BUT: What you're suggesting is an entirely new game. It would not simply be a HD version, it would require redesigning 3 major games (or at least 2) almost from scratch. It's simply not viable for what they want to do.

Yeey we french can put out some neat stuff every now and then, when the government isn't smothering any entrepreunarial idea out there with crushing taxes. I wish the best of luck to the few remaining game studios left standing over there (I'm in Canada). And I'm glad people at least try to break the contrived

Most of these are far from the ridiculous of the AW one, in fact most of these are small gameplay details that only affect your experience positively should you choose to do them.

It does look nice, but I don't agree on the risks part. All the gameplays I've seen from the multi so far that could be called new to the franchise have been tested and vetted in a bunch of previous games. People keep comparing to Titanfall but I myself compare this to Crysis 3 multiplayer, which essentially is what

"People standing still to shoot? Check. " It took me another check to understand why that was a problem, as a Battlefield player. But I remembered call of doesn't really include spread increases and doesn't exactly have long distances and it makes sense to be always in movement. In BF, with some weapons, you just want

Nice article that brings to light problems that I see to many recent FPS ignore. Everyone praises the Borderlands series and I've had quite a bit of fun in them myself, but the shooting is bad. It's MMO bad. You shoot to get numbers pop out of enemies, essentially. The weapons have no feeling and the enemy feedback is

Wait you're talking about Hardline right? Because I was talking about Battlefront. And yep, played Hardline beta and came to the same conclusions. It's not even a fitting universe for a traditional battlefield game imo.

If the quests are long enough, I might get it ^^ That game is a real blast but it does become extremely easy halfway through (about when you unlock the vault stun and the reduced streaks).

Heh, fair enough, as long as it's not fanboyism.

Why bring the X1 into this? Sense, this makes none.

Hardline for me is lacking any incentive to play it... it looks (so far) as a waste of an idea. They took cops and robbers and hamfisted it in a Battlefield shell and I'm not excited one bit by what I've seen and played so far, but yes, I do believe it'll be stable at launch.

I'm hopeful that this time it'll be a working game on launch. If all the efforts made by DICE with CTE are anything to go by, we have a chance to have a good and working product on release this time around.

Well I'm among the ones who loved the game despite its flaws. I can totally understand people not liking it, but outright saying it was uninteresting and brought nothing is simply and plainly wrong :)

Agreed. In fact shooters that truly understood the lessons from games like DE and HL are immediatly seen as a breed apart, so good they are. An obvious example is Dishonored, which even expanded on what those 2 did and was, by all measures, one of the best FPS released in the last decade.

Read quickly: "First look at the first new Star Wars game in years" and got really excited then I catched the "arcade" part and my face litterally went:

Agreed. Video games are meant to bring an out-of-the-ordinary experience. One of the easiest of the kind to go to is fighting. Most of us don't get to fight often in our lives, so gaming allows us to proxy that feeling in various ways. And that became the public image of gaming, when nowadays less and less games are

I think we must give credit where credit is due. The teams responsible for animating Talion in all his states and the team responsible for integrating those animations so well with the controls of the game made honestly one of the best jobs I've seen in this industry in a while, character-control wise.

I want a spinoff where you play as one of Napoleon's Generals's "aide de camps" or something and do dirty work for him. Like playing Berthier's aide or Ney's :D Or just an assassin directly under Napoleon's order, going deep into Austria/Great Britan/Russia/Prussia on contracts.

I like the fluidity of the game, as well as how it's not so easy. Ok I'm not the greatest TPS player out there and I'm better with a mouse and keyboard than a controller, but in my 2 first hours I died 4 times. It's hard at first to judge fights and how to approach them, but I find it's part of the fun. And having

If I want to drive them out of cover, sure, if I want to soften them up, the RGO is still the best choice as it's essentially unavoidable. Having a guy cowering at 20hp when you go for him and a guy 100hp running out of cover are 2 rather different things. I prefer my M67 in any case but I know it doesn't have the