
As much as I love military stuff (I play airsoft and for me movies like these are usually airsoft-porn :P), it's getting rather tiresome to always have that Marines Ooah deal going with every single one of these movies. Like... I don't know... use other countries maybe? Why does it always have to be captain america? :/

Got back into GW2 recently (last month) to finish bringing at least one of my characters to level 80, and I gotta say, I use the Black Lion Trading a lot more. Basically anything I find that has any sort of value above 1 silver I'll sell it there. Making much more cash than before. Now I only need to find how to use

If you don't agree with me I hate you !!!!

I agree, haven't managed to get intyo Civ V myself, so I was waiting on this to change my mind but this really looks like a reskin. Too bad, was hoping for several planets to jump to and cool specific gameplay to this.

Hope that doesn't imply you haven't seen it yet !

That's what bothers me. They're bloggers when it's best for them (ie, avoid taking responsibility) and they're journalists when it's about getting backstage to some big tim events. Can't have both.

Mistreatment is despicable no matter the context. Difference is when it's in a story and drives a plot point and whether it's necessary or just there as a cheap trope.

Well it's kind of hard not to lump you in with those guys when you deliberately belittle things that a lot of players enjoyed and indirectly make them seem like idiots :)

Some very misinformed or purposefully wrong affirmations and a very very selfish and narrow view you have there. TBH, that's the view the ME3 haters generally adopt.

You... I like you...

Yup very nice very nice ^^ I'm glad that now they have to worry a little bit more about their CGI throne. We've been getting some awesome CGI trailers from others too, so Blizz isn't all alone up there like they were, once upon a time.

Your talk of bias (though it's true a lot of media reviews are biased) is ironic. You're being very subjective in all you said without bringing much proof to bear. It makes me mostly gather that you loved Bioware and then they sorely disappointed you and you will never, ever forgive them. Like I said, that's too bad.

We weren't discussing stories but a whole studio, coming from the original statement: "Then again, all know that the talent level at Bioware is pretty much nonexistent..."

Yes I can prove to you that they have talent :P I just pulled random names from the ME3 credits and found their folios or such, here are a few:

No, sorry, this is not simply an opinion or anything, which I would completely respect, this is some sort of obscure fact that you found in the library of your bottom ^^

Well that was a douchy thing to say :)

The little skunk-thingy attacking the player sold me the game again but I already preordered.

This and Rime were the only worthwhile stuff of that conf' ^^ (And yes I know there was BloodBorne but I missed part of it and afaik it wasn't gameplay, was it?)

I hate exclusives, no matter which console they're for. That some games play better on one console than another or than on PC, sure, but making them available on every platform is, in most cases, very doable, especially with the new generation. I hate them, but I also understand them. They're sort of the last really