
I'll wait for the HD videos before judging the visual side, but otherwise it's pretty much a mix of Crysis 3, Titanfall and CoD. Could be fun (though I've seen too many wallhacks for my taste :P).

Perfectly understandable but at least, even if you don't like it, no need to bash it. Especially if you haven't played nor would ever play it :)

Nah CTE is still premium only :<

It's a little early to say and I find you're quite quick to judge a game you haven't played.

Opinion from a guy who has about 4-500h in 3 and about 400h in 4:

I just hope it's as fun and addictive as l4d when it first came out. I've read some pretty chilled comments about the alpha. Some people felt like it was a nice-but-nothing-special game, which worries me. But from the videos it looks like something I'd play with friends anytime ^^

It's true, don't rely on diplomas, make something that catches the eye, try to get your foot in the door any way possible and most of all make contacts, because ultimately that's worth 10 times more than any CV or portfolio. It also depends on where you're located and where you're willing to go.

I've been lucky not to have gone through any layoffs but those stories match the ones I heard and saw happen. It's scary, and sometimes you feel like there's no safe place. I'm trying to be optimistic and think that it's getting a bit better but that last testimony kind of crushes that hope :(

I've just watched a video from jackfrags of about 20 minutes of gameplay and the game looks definitely solid. The only question I have is about its effective lifetime and replayability.

We haven't reached any kind of new low. It just sucks. But it's certainly not a new low.

Not digging the art style whatsoever. To me it feels like a random assemblage of ideas painted over with one stylized type that wants to look a bit indie but ultimately just looks weird.

Am I the only one who'd like to live in a futuristic sort-of-dystopian world? Like something with a mirror's edge vibe all the way to something with a blade runner vibe. Whenever I see sprawling futuristic cities I can see myself there.

This is a rather selfish way of thought. We're not just talking about a developing studio here, we're also talking about talented developers. You know. Humans :)

Crytek may have made a bunch of questionable decisions (from what I gathered it was mostly the Yerli brothers), but it's still a studio with a lot of potential and an awesome engine. I would hate to see them go the THQ way.

Yeah well making a few good stories doesn't mean you can cut on quality like that; that's unethical imo. I wouldn't buy their games full price ^^

I didn't say that the style was wrong, it's not and generally well thought, but the technic behind is almost inexistant. The whole world could use a more refined mesh-work, more particles here and there, and a generally much more dynamic feel. Right now each scene is almost static, and yeah it's based on a comic but

Good story so far ! I like how it evolves and it fits rather well as I'm currently catching up on Sherlock and just finished Hannibal :D

Wasn't this game supposed to have, y'know, a sorta next gen AI? All I've seen so far are the usual dumb AIs we get in most games (especially stealth games).

You should have expected it. I'm still pondering on posting a few things I find weird with gamers' reactions to this E3 but I'm pretty sure a stake is waiting for me :)

Agree, although I liked almost nothing from it (season 2) aside from the old avatar story, not even the ending which I found nonsensical :/