
That's what it is except PvP + solo campaign. Not sure if coop PvE makes it in the mix though, but they do have AI that should hold the road this time around so who knows.

Yep there's a market, and a big one. In fact it's a similar market as the one freemium mobile games thrive upon: people who like shortcuts. It's not so much that there's loads of those guys, it's just that they can spend soooooo much.

Agreed, ME2 and Battlefront are poised to be some of the awesomest games of the coming years. Messing this up would seriously sadden me.

:/ I found PS2 disappointing myself. Every problem in BF is 10x worse in PS2. I've ran more miles without seeing anyone than in any other game, only to get shot by a guy that I thought was a friendly because he spent money on an outfit that had similar colors to my team... that pretty much sums up my experience in PS2

Even with the "it's turning to COD" slope effect, BF remains unique in its category and offers a radically different experience to players. People just don't find that same type of scale and gameplay anywhere else. We just have to admit that BF still does some things that nobody else does/does as well.

For me it was the visual identity and gameplay. I usually can't stand much of this type of game, I put them in the same category as JRPGs and my tolerance to those is even more limited, but Gravity Rush genuinely surprised me by how good it felt. It really slipped through the cracks of my "meh-shield" for the genre.

Amen. People who want all their old series brought back to life, only to take a dump on them on release because they're not made how they wanted. I mean, it's true some series have a potential for more, but many, MANY of them should just be left to die in peace instead of being kept on life support

If I see gameplay for Battlefront, Mirror's Edge 2, Witcher 3 and maybe the next Total War (I want to wash out the taste Rome 2's left in my mouth and fast), I'll be more than contented.

I would doubt it, beyond a teaser maybe. We'll probably get to see it next year's E3, though probably not a release in 2015.

Indeed, but I liked retorting with the same kind of exaggeration :D

I think they only call it CryEngine now, but yea essentially it's the 3 ^^

I want a game where you can play as Joachim Murat o.o

It's on the CryEngine, so some pretty solid stuff for FPS.

Sorry for the long post:

Okay I like exaggeration as much as the next guy but what you're saying is plain wrong.

But then those pesky rebels would be able to use this flaw to destroy it !

Considering she wrote: "We haven't even seen any new monsters or heard about any other game modes, but Evolve is shaping up to be the Left 4 Dead 3 I'm not sure we'll ever get." I'm guessing it's on the right tracks for ya :)

You know, if you try a little bit once it's released, I'm pretty certain you can find a variety of online groups that will play the game as real teams. If only maybe a group of Kotaku readers for example. It's the type of game that will create some small "clans" and groups that get together and play. Lots of people

Well it's Rocksteady so I'm curious. Not a fan of Batman (or superheroes) though, so the gameplay and level design will have to be what decides me. I was surprised how I loved Asylum and found it to be a truly great piece of design; City was still really good but the open world felt more like a chore to me.