
While the game can still be frustrating, even in CTE, but I have to admit this is a great initiative. It's just sad it had to come to this, and so late.

Exactly what Steve said in his reply: a game like CS is infinitely simpler to synch across players. BF4 has a huge amount of things to keep into account at all times, if only from the bullets ballistic. Each bullet in BF is a physical entity, whereas a game like CS (or CoD) uses hitscan, which is much cheaper and easy

Not sure about the DS vibe, but that's personal taste ^^ But hell yea, 1v1 combats where each blow counts. Something like Chivalry except less silly.

I jump on them when I see them, but something more open world (and for me it's almost painful to ask for an open world seeing how people fuck them up these days :P) and grounded, with some awesome melee combat mechanics might just be mah jam.

I suppose you don't know that FC3, even though it took a long time to come out, got several redesigns. The version we played and enjoyed was made in less time than this and was almost a stroke of good luck, because earlier versions looked like CoD and the managers of the project didn't even know what they were doing.

Ubi COULD make an AC anywhere, but they won't (at least not in the immediate imo). They need very specific gameplays to be catered to, no matter the setting. That's in the rules of the prod, that's just how it is and it's not up for change. I have friends who work/worked on most AC games, and the features of those

Not just cities, but interesting cities to climb. Look for example, Edo period city seems just as boring to go through as NY or boston in AC3. Where AC shined, in my opinion, was with cities like Florence or Istambul. 2 - 3 floors buildings are only fun for so much. Temples in India certainly look like an interesting

For feudal japan, besides castles, I don't see it. And you can't have a whole open world game happen in castles. China I'd say has the most potential but nothing comes to my mind that would bring the kind of gameplay cities like Firenze or Venice had, but if you have a more precise idea I'd love to know ^^

Uhm, not from any definition of roguelike I know, it's not... This isn't even procedural as far as i know, even if there's gonna be an infinite arena (but that's just an arena). As for permadeath, I don't see it. You die and respawn at a checkpoint/beginning of level just like most shooters out there.

I said "sometimes". It's in fact the first word of my comment :)

All those settings would be nice but you and all those who suggest settings by thinking only about the period forget one key fact each time: the gameplay. AC needs climbing. Mostly, the environnements you cited will offer grounded experiences, and that's not AC. It would be cool to make a spinoff series that's not

Sometimes it's the teacher's fault or the education system's fault for not engaging children/teens enough. But it's really easy to take interest oneself into History, and noone should find this boring imo. Some people just don't care to make the small effort.

It's true that's it's still more varied than zombie games... man I grew to hate zombie games.

They're roguelikes, do you really need 50 of them :P ? Imo only a few are necessary each year.

Yep, there's still some fresh stuff to get from it (soma, Alien, etc.), but "open world survival horror" have become bestselling buzzwords rather fast. I don't like that we have to go from fashion to fashion :(

I'm probably going to back this since the original project seemed to have so much potential. Even if in the end, the game has a short lifetime and gets repetitive after a while, I just want people to keep exploring directions like that to change the way we approach certain gamestyles.

So another roguelike. That's fine, I mean, if there's a public for it, why not. But I see roguelikes going the same way Horror games are, and Zombie games before them: oversaturation. Let's just be careful with that...

For the glory of Satan of course !

Except they don't need connection to a mothership, bar servers to host multiplayer games... which can be arranged by fans somewhat easily, as said in the article.

My god that doesn't look fun in the slightest o.O