
The idea seems neat ^^ Sounds great for a party game :D

I agree that Activision is at the bottom of the hole, and EA is definitely above. But even though EA tries to stay varied and interesting, their business practices are wrong and just precipitate the fall of license after license, franchise after franchise. Activision is a cesspool of unoriginal ideas and empty dreams

Bring me a good shooter with a solid all around experience like 4 was (that includes a good solo with a good-if-not-transcendant story), and I'll consider it for sure. I'm a sucker for FPS and despite the feeling that we're swarmed with them, I don't find many that are actually worth playing these days.

Amazing what you can tell how of a 30 seconds clip of pure CG nowadays :D Or did I miss something?

It's tempting to hype isn't it? Explosions, cool moves, Michael Bay, etc.... careful though they've had the same thing for each and every CoD and some of them were less than mediocre.

I personally prefered his work on Guild Wars 2 but yea, he's great at what he does ^^

You're not even remotely funny or witty but I'm glad I made you lose the 5.2 seconds it takes for the average internet user/commenter to google that masterpiece of a picture and post it here :)


Well it could be good coop fun, and if the melee mechanics are good, it could be good melee coop fun :D We don't have many of those so that's why this is on my radar, personally.

The game might have a very broken "netcode" but it is a truly gorgeous looking game, and not just from a technical standpoint. Except for China Rising, almsot all the maps look really great and little details are flowing. The lighting is usually studied, as is the composition.

Weird, I very rarely got to keep a gun more than 2 or 3 hours before finding something at higher level that was just doing something better... I managed to stick with some of the more fun guns (like the sword launching shotguns) for a while, but even then, I did so by passing up straight upgrades. For me the feel of a

I just hope they don't have the same mediocre weapon drop and handling system as Borderlands. As much as I enjoyed playing through both BL games and most of their DLCs, their weapon rarely had any feel or kick or anything that made the shooting experience feel visceral or enjoyable on the long run.
Also I never kept

You have to think gameplay wise, not just visual wise. Sure it would be great to be see those egyptian landscapes or japanese castles, but AC is about cities and climbing high buildings. This AC seems to be coming back to the roots after 3 and 4, and Paris is, imo, a great place to do so, especially during this

When I say graphics, I mean both technically (the support chosen) and artistically (the artistic vision/direction). I know for some it means only the technical side, not sure just how right or wrong I am using the term in a broader sense, so I'm sorry for any confusion ^^

I have an example of this handy: I'm not having as much fun as before anymore in shooters showcasing real weapons ever since I've played BF3/4... those games just ruined guns for me D: The sound design is simply amazing and the graphics render combat in a perfectly visceral way that very few other games can match.

Banner saga is breathtakingly gorgeous indeed. And by graphics I included artistic direction. For me it's a whole. A pretty artistic direction can be marred by poor technical limitations or bad choices for the graphical support. Just as a beastly engine running an artistically mediocre game will overall only give a

Aaaaaaand boom on the defensive immediatly. Your post started nicely, with a good counterpoint, and then bam, assumptions. Too bad really.

It looks like it could be fun, too bad then that it really is ugly... Getting past this kind of failed pixel art might be hard on the long run. As much as people like to say graphics don't matter, they do. They always do. They're not just pretty visuals, they're part of the gameplay itself, of the immersion of the

It's not even a corpse anymore... it's a bloody skeleton... Leave that horse buried, it's been beaten on enough times ^^

Question of opinion, really.