
Do you have any proof of anything you're saying with your screencap or are you just basing yourself on... well on less than 1 minute of in engine footage with no gameplay shown at any point (in other words: air)?

Same as with Watch Dogs: this probably was PC maxed out in engine render. Don't expect that on the consoles imo.

The problem is that on the surface, it can be hard, at times, to see the progress. You have to get more technical to see all the cool stuff they've been developing. These videos are nice eye candy but 90% of the public doesn't get what they're talking about and what they're really showing off.

You're looking for Battlefield 4 :3

Yea they seem to have a lot of problems with their tech, indeed. But if they'd been honest with it and had videos that showed the reality, people wouldn't mind so much. Sure they'd say it looks ugly but then again, it's dark souls, you're not in it to play a beautiful game.

You're right about polishing, except once again, we're not talking about changes as major as what's in those pictures (if it's all true).
Believe me I've done polishing on a few games now and even if the scope changes throughout the production, if it drops that low at the end it's... because of something more than just

Haven't seen much national pride involved in any AC so far. Heck, 3 if anything was more american (US) than apple pie :P

I don't see what "they're frenchies" has to do with this but sure :P

Some weren't as lucky as you and I with their play experience. The game was unacceptable buggy at launch, and in some cases still is today. Each patch broke as many things as it fixed and questionable design decisions are still going strong to this day in the game.

Amen to that.

I see a lot of fanboyism around here defending the price for something that lasts under an hour of gameplay.

Can I have a link to that Oblivion speedrun? o.O Really curious ^^

If the changes were minor of if it were a pc version vs ps3 version problem, I'd agree.

I think people are excited for it, even if it might not get the hype a Halo game might get at first. But it'll get there. Remember, it still has to prove itself, even if it looks really neat already.

I wish they would have made the potions useful. Besides health and mana at the beginning, they're hardly necessary.

Agreed, though if Bethesda don't update their bloody engine (that's over 10 years old now) to something a little less crappy, I'll get their next game from the 10$ bargain bin... I can accept mediocre graphics, I can accept ugly ragdolls (though on dragons?! really?!), I could even stomach the god awful characters and

Your original statement was very misleading then :P It really sounded like you were just trashing the entire visuals of the game. Glad you still appreciated the efforts they made on the direction !

If you only think in texture sizes and polycount sure, I can believe that it'd be a visual disappointment for you.
Problem is, that's only half of the work that goes into graphics in video games. The rest is the artistic direction, and for that ME has always been a very capable series of games.
The only thing I could

I guess you were disappointed they made it to work for consoles. I was myself and had hoped they'd give us bigger texture sizes for PC.

Indeed, a critical eye is necessary, but having a critical eye doesn't mean only pointing out what's wrong. It also means encouraging what's right, and the great majority of gamers are completely oblivious to that.
ME did a lot of things right visually speaking. So calling it or any other Bioware game "ugly ass" is