
I respectfully completely disagree with your first paragraph :P
CoD has no recoil and uses hitscan because it's set in tight spaces and 99% of the fighting that will occur will be CQB, at distances below 100m. The animations are sped up, so are the movements, you can "snap to" much faster and yes, essentially, between

Well first off, and I'm not blaming you or anything (it's an easy mistake to make when you're looking in from the outside), BF is nothing like CoD and CoD is nothing like BF.
They're a world apart gameplay wise, visuals wise, and overall target-wise.
The only thing they share are being set in modern military settings

Well his name on here IS "Dick_Socrates". He's pretty much in character, except for the Socrates part ^^

Absolutely love his style. It's straight cut, rough and with a composition that nears perfection in many of his environnements paintings.

Now playing

I could look up 100 youtube vids of dirtbike trolling but that would take a while :P
Yes they do go on quite a bit after you bail, securing some funny roadkills. They're much more maniable which makes hitting them harder and reaching the target easier for the driver.
They can also do wheelies, which is allows for some

It's been known for a while, but that stunt has never been done that way. Waiting patiently for a jet/helo to come by with c4 on the cables is indeed old news though ^^

BF3 added dirtbikes... they're 10x more agile than ATVs... you can imagine the results in BF3 and 4 ^^

Yea I absolutely loved this one. And the slow-mo is spot on and all...

Ah crap didn't see somebody else posted it... sorry mate ! (can't delete comments?)

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For those who enjoy these stunts as I do, check his previous vid, it's one of the classiest most badass tank moves I've ever seen :)

I'm completely with the OP on that. Working in the industry myself, I see all the hate that goes around. And no matter what some will say, 99% of the time it's absurdly senseless and written by people who think games are made by the suits at EA or Activision.

"it's how the internet is". Because if something is broken and has been broken for so long, why bother trying to fix it?

Hm do you have a better example? Bright yellow metal walls are not exactly what I'd call making a color pallet "vibrant" so much as making it look like a paintball field.

I understand marketing plenty thank you, I've dealt with them a few times at the studio where I work. And marketing, when a company can afford to have a department for that, makes mistakes, quite often. In fact in bigger companies the department barely plays the game and just pops buzzwords around while showing off

Being annoyed at a teaser and being annoyed at a whole game because of a teaser are a world apart. Your time was wasted you say? All 2 minutes of it? Does that mean you don't ever go on 9gag? or reddit? or the internet in general? There's a LOT of time-wasting going around here. Why Kotaku itself is teeming with

Maybe you aren't criticizing the game itself, but many seem to be doing exactly that. Predicting it's going to be another boring generic military FPS... if that's not already a critic of the game, based solely on this small teaser, I don't know what it is.

I agree for CoD but as a player who's spent a lot of time on both CS and BFs, I have to disagree that BF is simpler in that matter.

I agree with your point, but there's a difference between being careful/suspicious and being downright insulting to the work presented.

Then just be reserved, say you want to know more. Or say that the pitch doesn't interest you. Or say you like the tech but wonder how it's going to be used.

Your points made in the first part of your post go against your own argument.