
I understand that, but it's the wrong approach. Especially when what you proceed to do next is basically sneer at the devs' work.

That doesn't excuse the judgemental attitude at all, since, like you said, there's nothing to be judged yet.

So many butthurt/snob comments on this article it's disgusting. We didn't see any gameplay, we saw one environnement, no idea what the story is about, but oh wait, everyone on here is an omniscient god who can predict anything and everything, see through any smoke and mirrors with special cynical specs.
Gosh darn, why

Not all the problems but the game is much more stable. If you're not an FPS fan I suggest waiting for a promo (with BF it happens more often than one thinks).

Yea just pump up the explosives, and not just c4. you can send a vehicle on the moon with enough firepower ^^

This is so true...

Hmmm no, not from a story standpoint and neither from a gameplay standpoint. Its world though is big and really nice, I particularly appreciate the polish brought to it; but the game performed "okay" on too many fronts to really be the messiah that a lot of gamers seemed to expect.

Yea and I find it a bit sad. GTAV is a good game and all, but the hype was just... way too much - as usual with gamers.

Amazing work, and after seeing a looooot of artworks, I don't say this lightly anymore :D (used to be I'd just go hard in front of the first generic sci-fi city artwork I'd see.)

Played it to shoot mutants in the face with a sawed off shotgun and had a ... blast ;D

Obliteration is actually the best pub server mode since it forces cooperation on teams. People will go towards the bomb. They will tend to escort the bomb carrier.

Yea I'm not a fan either. Add to that the fact that bolt action snipers are one hit kills anywhere in the body.

Yep, if a team has a commander and the other hasn't things can get pretty lopsided.

It was the major selling point. Now the Wow effects and variety of guns and dynamic environnements are the selling points. Since BC2 in fact I'd say.

Thanks ! Hm they're european, my ping is going to be a crapfest but I'll give it a try ^^

I'll have to find those servers you say... I never play hardcore (not in BF3, nor 4) because I know it's "I-don't-need-to-aim-well sniper land" sometimes. But if there can be some sniper limit I'm interested.

So after already almost 200h on it, I noticed something in how BF4's fun has evolved from BF3.

As far as spunkgargleweewees go, Battlefield has the merit of being one hell of a fun teamplay trip with some of the most awesome mechanics and moments to be had in its whole genre.
That is, if you play with friends, which I very strongly advise to anyone interested in the game.

His characters are pretty great :) I like his take on Samus.

Haha I wish, but no. I'd get the vacations I want, all the OT at a great rate, could get in basically any hour of the day I want as long as I do my 8h... Honestly he's a great guy, thank god for that, it's just that there's only one of him (he just got 2 new helpers but even that is not enough).
I'm a level designer,