
Thank you. I can't understand how anybody can see anything in this.
It's like the most stereotypical generic FPS ever... it's these games that give FPS their bad reputations and make tons of people ignore some excellent games out there.

Reread what I wrote in the discussion because I wrote what that evolution was plenty of times: the digital economical model for consoles. I believe that was specific enough :)

Sorry, I should've precised which part I was talking about (I just wrote my reply in kind of a hurry):

You're stating things as if they are the absolute truth, and that, at least in my books, is being somewhat short sighted. I don't state things as truth: I state what I believe is true. But I'm completely aware that I might be wrong. I'm basing my opinions on experience and observation and I believe in them. I didn't

Then our views really differ because I saw on the surface the ability to have your game library anywhere, to share your games with the family plan (10 members is a good bunch to give free games to) as well as better integration of digital content for those games.

This game... I only wish they hadn't already done Napoleon TW, as it would have greatly benefited from this updated engine. Showing tens of thousands of soldiers on screen would've made the feeling of controlling the Grande Armée so much more awesome :D

I wish Microsoft had thought their com through, that they'd thought their kinect obligatory implementation through, and that they'd thought of a way to let people without internet connection play at least the base versions of games. The rest is fine.

And that's the basis of any discussion :D

Meh, I would've rather the gamers had thought this through and tried to get the 24h checkin another option for people without connection, and left the rest of the X1 alone, since it was pretty much what made it a next gen console, and not a "current gen with better graphics" console.

Lol, to be fair, you insulted each other just as much, except you went for the "MS if paying you" argument, that mostly haters have been using these past months whenever somebody wasn't going with the Gamer Fashion of the Moment > burning everything that was even barely related to the X1 to the ground :(

For whatever it's worth, I'm on your side. That "revolution" wasn't more than a knee jerk... a knee jerk that'll cost us, probably not 10 years, but a good 5+.

You seem to know everything about this industry. You should consult, seriously... publishers and devs alike would pay mountains of gold for your services.

Cue outraged gamers.

I'm a futurist myself, and now since it's all the same, I'm going with the PS4 (no kinect).

Lol check your facts man, Ubi is ALSO a developer. They have one of the biggest development studios in the world in Montreal, along with dozens more worldwide. And that's Ubi studios, not bought studios that also pile up.

You're thinking of your own experience with Steam and such, but think of people with slower or no internet connection. How do these people get their games? They should bring their console to a friend to download them?

You seem well versed in all the economic and almost political intricacies of this industry, where do you get all that from?

Yeaaa you won't get major game innovation if you don't get a major economic system innovation, like the one the X1 proposed.

Having a disc drive is necessary though. You can't simply remove physical support, even if you prioritize digital.

Completely agree with the both of you. I'm a developer and I see this as bad news.