
What I read: "I'm bringing an interesting opinion and could back it with some reasoning but instead I'm gonna call everyone who didn't/doesn't agree with me "Idiots", hence invalidating all my credibility ever."

Calm down there man. It helps if you reread what you write once or twice before posting. You'll usually end up seeing that you're being too agressive and that it actually hurts the point you're making. I know I always write agressive responses at first, but then I read them again and edit that shit so it doesn't

Well if they go towards a digital oriented platform, they better have preloads.

Lol bro, I'm getting paid so much right now, bathing in money. Tell me your adress and I'll send you some, I swear !

You're right, Microsoft's move is bold and not every gamer is ready for it. But I look at how video games have been evolving these past years and I can see it's picking up the pace... except consoles.
Mobile gaming is exploding, it's even bloated in some ways, with tens of thousands of titles out there, at the touch of

Hmm that's a pretty one sided view there, and it falls a bit short.

Here's another, though I'm still not convinced which console to pick up yet.

You know I've read a lot of articles out there, both about PS4 and XboxOne, and I've noticed there's tons asking Microsoft why they do all that and why they're comitting to the digital market and everything, but not one, not ONE article that goes to Sony and asks: why aren't you changing? Why aren't you moving

Don't get your panties in a knot over what I said about the Order. I specifically said that I sensed those things, not that I could miraculously predict the exact form and shape that this game is going to be upon release. If Sony surprises me, well all the better I say ! Go ahead ! But their trailer left me with a bad

Of course it's a matter of opinion, I meant it to come across that way.

I agree about the indie love, but personnally Microsoft's indie game "below" interested me more than all of Sony's indie stuff :P

I completely agree that connectivity should be a service and not a requirement. In fact that and the always online kinect (or haven't they said we could turn it off?) are the 2 major issues I see with their product.

Agreed on all points ^^ And yea sometimes a publisher will hit the jackpot with a CoD phenomenon. Not too often though, and usually not in these numbers year after year.

I can tell you right now for AC3, their marketing was the major reason of their success. I work in the same city as the team and know a bunch of people on it. Their marketing was smart, efficient and took complete advantage of important US events. And since they sold a lot more than previous ACs, it means they reached

I understand what you're saying and I agree, but like I stated, you and I, the more informed customer, would no exactly be the primary target. And something like the 1 has a public out there, of people who play few games per year, but big titles (usually sports titles) and enjoy having a slick voice interface because

True. I worry a lot more about immersion breaking and gameplay variety for the sake of gameplay variety ^^

Well, we're getting there at least. Although I kind of felt like you called me ignorant but eh, I'll put that on me reading way too much into everything.

It's not the team that made AC unfortunately :P

I like the ice cream cheeseburger metaphor xD

Oh so it's alright to call me names and trash what I say but then you get on your high horse because I don't want to get into your circle of hate? Calling me a fanboy, and calling what I said "laughable little statements" immediatly gave the impression that you are not interested in talking, you're just interested in