
Ugh... I'm really bored at work today and have nothing better to do :P

And there we go... the expected response that brings nothing to the conversation (hint: conversation is the important word here) and just mindlessly points fingers bellowing the thing that really works on the internet, a catchword (ie "fanboy").

I didn't say or imply they weren't out of phase with gamers, on the contrary. In my post, I said that we are not their target audience for this gen. They're aiming larger. They're aiming at an audience that will find it cool to have a voice controlled device in their living room. People who will use it to watch TV and

Because one of the biggest companies out there with mountains of data on consumers made a move like that saying "welp! you know what?! I have NO idea where we're going but it seems fun." MS might have hurt gamers but believe me, they're grasping on a much larger playerbase.

I'm sad to call myself a gamer today... if that's how we're representing ourselves.

Yes it was in BF2. It's nothing new indeed, but it's nice of them to bring it back :D

Thank you and the others like you for restoring some of my faith in gamers. You are the proof that the gamers' mob is the worst, but individually, some still have some sense and objectivity, and don't rely on fanboyism for everything.

Just want to add to that thread because I'm of that opinion too ^^

You have every right to despise the Xbone, but please don't be so low as to despise those who actually want it for the games it offers. I'm not really interested by either console right now as I'm going to upgrade my PC this summer and it'll run those next gen games at 60FPS instead of the consoles' 30, but right now,

It's not all bad, though there are some incredibly shitty companies. I'd say now is not the best time to apply, because our industry is seeing a lot of restructurations and studios closing, but otherwise, working in it can be a great experience.

That's not exactly true imho. While some persons in major studios can be the "stars" of a game, they never single-handedly drive the vision of a whole game. Simply because they can't. You can't be good enough in every domain to impose your vision everywhere; you need to rely on others.

Exactly. This kind of tool is very useful for architecture firms who usually will go through a 3rd party that'll get them the renders.

Granted there is a bunch of developers out there who are out of place, some even largely incompetent, and it will impact quality on some level, but try all they might, it'll NEVER be even remotely as bad as what the "client" (read publishers) can mess up. Not even remotely.

I would not have minded reading this whole "review" (or more of a very personal opinion, which a review should not be: a review is subjective but tries to keep itself as close to objectivity as it can) but I felt insulted directly, as a player who liked the game. And it's not the fact that you did not like the game. I

Thank you man, I was shocked this wasn't in the article's list because it is seriously extremely well made in almost every aspect.

Aftermath was one of the best surprise this end of year. Some of the best multiplayer map design I've seen for a game the scale of BF.

You are totally missing out with Aftermath. It's kind of the best map design in the game. Yes they're smaller than AK or even the biggest vanilla maps but the design is really REALLY good. I was seriously impressed by the quality.

They still get a large tax break and not many games ship these days without multi-lingual versions. That british rule is much more difficult to work with imo.

As a junior level designer I was stricken and shocked for a while after passing through that sequence. It's simply... wrong.

I gotta start using the wingsuit more often, looks awesome ^^