Emotional Spock

What's wrong with hitting your kids, my parents hit me when I was a kid and look at me now, I grew up into someone who doesn't think hitting your kids is wrong.


"There is a strong reason to believe that when called on the phone asked about a sexual violence survey, those who experienced sexual violence will be more likely to participate to make their voice heard."

Excuse me, what the fuck is "completed rape"?

This is good but it won't stop them. I posted an anti-rape culture post yesterday that, I think, is getting near 550 stars. I still have men posting to that now with massive amounts of abuse.

A good indicator of the fact that this is just the tip of the iceberg is the difference between what non-hispanic and hispanic women are willing to report.

Yeah I was reading this thinking hmmm, well my rape isn't in that number, I wonder how many others aren't...

i think flowbee actually thinks it's LITERALLY every white man. i bet that's it. i bet that is exactly what she's saying.

I will post this on every article about domestic violence from here until the end of time. If you are experiencing abuse, it is not your fault. If someone you care about is being abused, you cannot fix it for them, but you can be a support and decrease the isolation they are experiencing. From loveisrespect.org:

Cute rationalization. If every drop in the bucket actually put principle before salacious gawking, then there would be no bucket. I hope you feel super shitty for violating Jennifer Lawrence and reducing her to an object. Promoting her movies and an image that helps sell those movies does not make her any less

That's true, but it's not just about shaming women for having a sexual life. It's about privacy - even if she's not ashamed of her photos, she has a right for privacy.

You're victim blaming. This is no different than if someone had hacked her for financial info.

Funny cause I thought the lesson was more "Mind your business/don't be a shithead"

said a woman whose most popular television characterization is a caricature of her culture that borders on Stepin Fetchit buffoonery. Let's not pretend that this is her first go-round with misrepresentation.

I'm not saying Lena looks like this turkey, but her dress does.

What's wrong with bein' sexy?

I've been pining for one of those. I feel certain they'll be very poplar.