Emotional Spock

Can we please stop painting parenting as the only way to get "the highest highs" in life? It's extremely self-righteous and condescending to those who don't want kids, and a knife to the heart of those that do but are having fertility issues. People are different and varied and value different things. You do you &

I despise this neckline.

They are stunning women but this pose is very stilted. I wish they would've came up with some interesting styling other than two ladies hugging at a beauty pageant.

Patrick Stewart has completely embraced everything that has happened to him and I can't help but smile.

No storyline? You're supposed to make your own through its countless story arcs. That's what elder scrolls has been pretty much about from morrowind. Don't want to do the main quest? Then screw it, become part of the dark brotherhood. I would like to know your thoughts on Fallout 3 and new vegas, because they quite

I would watch this in a heartbeat, though part of me worries it will ruin The Room's mystery. It'll be like glimpsing the face of the God of Fail.

Question for the masses: how do you deal with your 'issues'? I have some self esteem shit, some relationship shit, and some other shit that seems to be rearing it's ugly head lately. I can pretty easily identify my problems and where they come from, but I can't figure out how to change anything. Any suggestions?

That's not the friend zone, that's person A treating person B like crap and the person B taking it. True friends treat you with dignity and respect, or at the very least care about you. Exploitation knows now gender.

Here's a look back...

... At all my hottest moments.

Wait, the script was called Head On?


"She's also an outlier in that at 5'4" and 105 lbs, her height-weight combination put her slightly below the threshold doctors who use the BMI scale would consider "healthy." She's also below what Weight Watchers would consider healthy for her height."

Interesting. So when it comes to overweight people, BMI is garbage

I hear what you're saying. Lupita is indeed beautiful, but there is an undercurrent of 'exceptionalism' in the way that she's discussed/presented. This blog post says it better

Yes, I agree. This one is much sexier. Which is what I look for in all my children's television programming!

What did he solve, the mystery of his missing dignity/privilege awareness?

You do realize that the notion of 'female orgasms' were a debatable topic in fairly recent history, right?