It was excellent. Although not quite as excellent as Jamie Lee Curtis kicking the shit out of an Antonin Scalia masked attacker:
It was excellent. Although not quite as excellent as Jamie Lee Curtis kicking the shit out of an Antonin Scalia masked attacker:
Dear Universal,
His movements do look intentional, and seem to line up pretty well with changes in the music. If it’s faked, it’s choreographed really well. I was gonna say that I’m surprised he can operate that turntable so well, but then I’m reminded of all the toddlers I see navigating iPads with no problem at all.
see this kind of story is why I lose my mind if my period’s two weeks late even though I haven’t seen a dick in a year
True story - my mom and grandma have curly hair. My grandma had always gotten shit at jobs for her hair. When she finally got a union job, she wore a straight wig for her entire probationary period (a few months?) ad then the day after her probation was up, she wore her real hair to work and they couldn't say a damn…
John 6:55
Remember kids: Black Lives Matter is a bunch of whiners who are looking for reasons to be offended. The real oppression is a lack of Christmas iconography on your coffee cups.
Apparently in Texas you do not have to identify yourself to the police unless you are under arrest. So if they arrested her for not identifying herself, they got the law backwards.
I hope he’s also lying about running for President.
Last night an amazing person came up with Blen.
Can we just agree that sex shouldn’t even factor into it? “Men’s work” and “Women’s work” is a silly concept. Sometimes the man will be better at repairing the house or fixing the car, and sometimes the woman will be. Sometimes the woman will be better at cooking and cleaning and sometimes the man will be. But setting…
I’m with you so much. Can we all just agree that this whole genre of “men suck at domestic things” is just fucking awful. Like, I am a man. I also like to make sure the kitchen is reasonably clean, and years of living without a dishwasher means I’m 100% okay with washing dishes on my own.
“Kesha now faces an abysmal decision: work with her alleged abuser...or idly and passively wait as her career tick-tocks away”
That’s a better wig that they used for the movies.
I’ll say it again: Feminism without intersectionality is just various shades of bigotry.
No but guys! This is important. If my marriage license hadn’t specified “bride” and “groom” how would we have known which is which?
If I’m paying 31 million buckaroos for my wedding, it must include Idris Elba interrupting the proceedings, declaring his everlasting love for me and marrying me on the spot while David Bowie sings “Life on Mars.” For starters.
I LOVE Oded. He is actually who I was thinking about when I made that comment. It’s tough, because people shouldn’t be pigeonholed into only playing their own ethnicity in roles, but at the same time this practice of casting any brown person into any brown-person part perpetuates the idea that they all look the same.…
All the more reason to highlight the fact that he’s not Latino. There’s no difference whatsoever between a Mexican, a Brazilian, and a Saudi, according to Hollywood casting directors.