
Do you think he’s just like, “I want to look like the sunburned tip of Ronald McDonald’s dick”?

Hey, Trey. You’re an asshole. Get it. Get it.

I rarely say this about people. But she deserves all the bad karma that is heading her way right now. That video was so mean and vicious, it actually made me cry. I have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. And like so many women with the disease, I struggle with my weight. It’s like I woke up in a different body. I went from

In advance of the landmark, the Times of London reported the assessment of constitutional historian David Starkey, who compared her unfavorably to Queen Victoria, the previous record-holder. He said Elizabeth sees her job as “ordinary and humdrum” rather than as “something grand, like the embodiment of history,”

I imagine this is what it’s like to work at Snopes.

This entitled housewife looks back at her impressionable child and calmly says “She is yelling because that girl deserves it, the service is terrible every time we come here.” And then she looked me straight in the eyes.

His rationale for such a decision is two-fold Huckabee explained, it protects both fetus and mother: “There are two victims. One is the child; the other is that birth mother who often will go through extraordinary guilt years later when she begins to think through what happened — with the baby, with her.

WOAH WOAH WOAH Sharon. I feel for you. But you leave SVU out of it.

So on the one-year anniversary of Michael Brown’s death, the Ferguson cops shoot someone, leave them bleeding in the street, then clash with protestors and arrest people for filming them.

She’s awesome!


Testimony is considered evidence Jill. And this was a whole fuckload of testimony and witness statements.

You should see what happens when Winifred really lets loose.

And the darker ladies, and less conventionally attractive ladies. That was my first thought.

They put the bigger ladies in the back row, tho... my face is making a scowl fyi

Many times it is simply lack of opportunity or fear of consequences that keep us from falling into grievous sin even though our fallen hearts would love to indulge the flesh.

fine....... you can hang over there with your proletariat clit............. me and my discernment clit will be over here practicing saying “nietzsche” over and over till it sounds natural

Man, I have to say, your clit sounds kind of snobby to me, and like maybe its trying too hard to fit a certain kind of demographic.