Only naturally curly hair. Everyone knows that professional women have naturally straight hair that they perfectly coif into gently flowing wavy curls.
Only naturally curly hair. Everyone knows that professional women have naturally straight hair that they perfectly coif into gently flowing wavy curls.
A gallery in Florida is planning to stage an exhibit featuring nude images stolen from women including Scarlett…
"she wouldn't work" = she can't take a rape joke.
OMG. Mike Brown's juvenile record is going to be public knowledge while we still have NO information on Darren Wilson besides what internet sleuths have dug up? Why, once again, is the dead person the one on trial?
Fuck Texas; fuck anti-choicers; fuck "prayer" being part of a police investigation; fuck abstinence-centered sex education; and fuck leaving women in crisis (or, in this case, children in crisis!) with no viable options, letting them suffer alone, and then treating them like criminals for doing what they have to do.
Good thing no one asked you.
This makes me proud to be a Columbia alum, and that isn't something I've been able to say a lot during the past few months.
i think flowbee actually thinks it's LITERALLY every white man. i bet that's it. i bet that is exactly what she's saying.
"I'm starting to think we've conflated 'free speech' with 'freedom to bully without consequences.'"
Straight white American men view "rights" as a series of passes for them to do what they please to anyone else that isn't a straight white American man.
Sunday's massive leak of photos of nude celebrities — including Jennifer Lawrence and Aubrey Plaza — spiraled out of…
*continues head desking for all of eternity*
A Burmese beauty queen was stripped of her title of Miss Asia Pacific World after pageant officials in Seoul found…
If you read the language of the bill, which I am sure you did not, you'd see that affirmative consent is not necessarily defined as "affirmative verbal consent." It's defined as "an affirmative, conscious and voluntary agreement" by both parties to engage in sexual activity. Consent can be nonverbal; California…
From a trial/evidentiary/prosecution standpoint, I really really really like this. It is much more protective of victims and makes it, as it should be, more of an inquiry into and trial of the alleged perpetrator and not the alleged victim.
Didn't Byron keep a bear in his rooms at Cambridge (Oxford?) because he wasn't allowed a dog but the rules didn't say anything about a bear?
Summer is usually a much anticipated season of sun-brightened days and bright blue and green Instagram streams and…
I have worked in many airports. There are no airport employees who exist to make sure that people get from one gate to the next. People will push wheelchairs, yes, but the person traveling is still the one that ensures they get from one gate to the next. This seems to be more of an elderly person with limited…