
Yup. "Female Gentical Mutilation"was a term created to specifically highlight the severity of the practice- and not by white western feminists. OP should consider that people are indeed using their words carefully. She may not agree with it but that doesn't make the rest of us wrong.

"And let's not forget that here in fucking America labiaplasty/vaginal rejuvenation is the most common cosmetic surgical procedure"

"It was developed by our creative director, who is a woman,"

Find me one report of a girl who, when given all the factual knowledge of the procedure and the likely complications, still wants it done. I'll wait here.

Hmm. What would you call sewing a girl's vagina shut with thorns? What's the politically correct term for that?

bunneh island!?! omg! this post has the crazy cat lady in me muttering and shimmying.

STOP DOING EVERYTHING BETTER THAN US CANADA. I think I'm starting to understand how my brothers must feel about me being so much smarter and better-looking and more fun than them.

Five Fascinating Facts About Your Cat's Tongue.



I had a mom tell me that she sent her kid to school with water bottles filled with lemonade (crystal light) with her kid because her child (second grader) wouldn't drink water period. Apparently it made her gag.

This is completely the opposite impression that I get, watching the show. Donna is the least ridiculous character on the show, by quite a wide margin. I've never thought it was supposed to be funny that she was a total badass...what we were supposed to find funny is how inept everyone looks in comparison. But we all

It's always been my impression that Donna already gets a lot of ass. She's just too cool to bring it to the office. She keeps her professional and personal life separate. I've always admired that about her.

Batzimman. Bammerman. Zimbatman.

So our source on this is the Sanford PD, which also decided that a guy who shot an unarmed kid could just merrily skip on home (with his gun) because he said he had his reasons?

If this were an episode of Law & Order, it would turn out he'd caused the crash in order to appear heroic in the media.

Somebody call Lenny Brisco. It's not so outlandish for life to mirror television.

I hate hate hated the infatuation phase. Bring me the not-special being naked around the house and negotiating holiday family time! Love it because it is real and we're both in it together.

So, basically, extend the infatuation period and avoid getting into the more settled, permanent stage of love? That's what those suggestions sound like to me, and it kind of matches up with my impression of a lot of long-distance relationships as well.

"Well, there goes my desire to see this movie," wrote one commenter. "I'm really disappointed in Miyazaki," added another. "I want him to stop saying political things," wrote yet another commenter. "I only wanted to see it free of any preconceptions..."