
You and me both. I hate those fucking commercials, too. Fuck it, if I want creamy goodness and fruit, I'll put some on my ice cream.

I'm not much of a yogurt person, I eat it like three times a year. And Chobani is disgusting, it always tastes like it has gone bad.

It is GROSS. Horribly gross. And while I generally hate when people have that obnoxious "that's not real food" attitude towards anything with more nutritional value than deep fried bacon, yogurt is just so heavily pushed that it triggers that exact reaction for me

No joke, I only started liking yogurt this year. And there are random days where I can barely eat it.

I am apparently the woman to end all womans b/c I eat yogurt like I will die if I don't. Mmmm yogurt...

wooot! i'm going next month as well! cedar point will be filled with secret Jezzies.


I miss Cedar Point soooo much! I was on the Raptor once and they stopped the ride just as the front of the cars were going over the first turn, turns out the seatbelt wasn't secure on an empty car. It was scary at the time, but I was really happy they had sensors.

Roller coasters are safer than cars, swimming pools, showers/bath tubs, stairs, hiking, and lawn chairs.

Yeah, the odds of dying on any one roller coaster ride are just more than half as likely as winning the Mega Millions (~300,000,000:1 and ~175,000,000:1, respectively).

I went every year as a kid. Very safe park. Have fun!

Exactly. I mean, if we thought about the possible eventuality of everything we did in life we wouldn't get out of bed in the morning. I'm well jel about Cedar Point, I've always wanted to go there!

This, actually. People are terrible at gauging risk - the are like a bajillion studies showing people overestimate unlikely scary things (plane crashes, roller coasters), and underestimate things like car crashes and falling down stairs.

Yep and yep. I wonder where roller coasters actually do rank, in terms of actual danger? We only hear about these things because they're freak accidents, and because roller coasters are supposed to offer the illusion of being death-defying. As a total coaster-junkie, this doesn't deter me in the slightest. Off to look

As someone who spent a few years operating roller coasters, let me just remind you that the roller coaster is many, many times safer than the car you drove to the park.

Bruno Mars, "Why come we aint got this in the states?" Oh that makes me twitchy.

Would tear it up like he tore through the Czarist system.

Oh god I TOTALLY THOUGHT YOUNG STALIN and then was ashamed of myself. But but, it's okay if it's Stalin pre-killing everyone? Right?? (No, no it's not. I'll just leave now.)

Gandhi . And then I could be all like 'hey, I slept with Gandhi,' and my friends would be like 'no way.' And I would be like 'shut up, you don't even know.'

Hey everyone! Someone, somewhere, has it worse than you so you have no right to try to improve your life or working conditions!