
I really have never had anyone comment to me about breastfeeding in public, and I've done it everywhere. (Mostly in California, but also in Michigan, Ohio, and Pennsylvania.) I'm on my second kid now, and I think at this point I'd just laugh in someone's face if they said anything to me about it.

This has been making its rounds on FB among my mom friends. It's totally heartening and nice to see! I've actually written about breastfeeding in public on Powder Room. This is why I think it's not only fine to do so, but good to:

Is that milk in a cup ok? Because you know my next question is going to be how is that different?

I have yet to see a woman with her "tits out in public" whilst breast feeding, every single mother I have come across has fed their child with utmost discretion.


A woman can breastfeed in public and no one can see anything unless they're trying to catch a peek. I cannot, for the life of me, understand why people are offended unless they're LOOKING. I used to carry a baby blanket to cover myself when breastfeeding but decided they decided the babies didn't need the added heat.

Your ignorance is repugnant. Fuck off back to the Daily Mail.

Maybe I'm lucky since I live out in CA, but I breastfed both my kiddos (long term, too, yup, I went there). And I never had anyone say anything to me. I did it whenever it needed to be done, no matter where we were. I got so good at it, I could carry kitten KPC and people just thought I was holding him when he was

I've seen tons of mothers breastfeeding in public and I've never seen any more than a baby's head with a little side boob. Even during the transition from exposing nipple to baby latching there's maybe a half second that you might see nipple (and only if you're staring). Hell, I've seen fully dressed women showing

This argument gets made every. single. time. there is an article about breastfeeding. And then every. single. time. commenters have to painstakingly explain that breastfeeding is nothing like taking a shit no matter how many times someone whines that it is, that breastfeeding is sanitary, that you are no more in

Get over yourself - I guess none of us should eat in public. Its a breast...mind your own business

Yeah I know, that's why we have the long lasting tradition in western art of The Madonna Taking a Dump, an Saint Peter clipping His Nails.

I don't want kids either, but I'd still rather see a bit of boobie than have to listen to someone's hungry kid screeching because mom can't find a decent place to sit down and breastfeed. It's not getting splashed all over the place and it doesn't smell bad. I don't have to touch it. So why the fuck would I care? It's

Er, I don't have kids and I'm never having kids.

Hmm.. I've never heard of anyone getting ecoli or salmonella from someone else breastfeeding in public, but if you really feel it's like defecating in public...

Please don't take offense to this, but shut the fuck up about 40 times. People like you are the reason there is so much stigma around the most natural thing in the world. And there shouldn't be.

And I'd rather eat next to a woman breastfeeding her baby than a person who smacks their lips while they eat or chews their food like it's cud.

Man, that is messed up. I don't think you have to want children to respect a woman's right to breast feed in public - and a baby's right to eat. It's not just adults who are allowed to stand around cramming Double Downs in their gullet while chewing with their mouths open. Besides, I can't remember the last time I saw

You can floss your teeth on your own time, but when a baby's hungry, it's hungry. Jesus Christ, come on. You're in a restaurant and eating...is that not the perfect time for the baby to eat too? Unless you propose that women never leave the house, breastfeeding in public is necessary.

it's eating. it's how a baby eats. people eat in public, babies can eat in public as well. social norms dictate that we crap in private, so we take babies into bathrooms and change their diapers there. babies are part of society.